My Chicks are LOST in the mail- Brokenhearted

pips&peeps :

Did they give you a tracking number at all? If they have not given you a tracking number, maybe they never really shipped the birds.....

May be they didn't have enough to fill their orders and didn't want to tell you.

i called the bancroft iowa PO and they were indeed shipped. Bancroft is calling De Moine, and making a few other calls. I am creating a chain from Iowa to Arkansas. So far, no word.​
I am so sorry you are going through this. Tracking numbers are worthless half the time. I recieved eggs today and the tracking number still shows the PO has been notified a shipping label was made.

I mailed a book Feb 10th, the only scan it has had from Va to Ca is Feb 20th and now the PO has no idea where it is. How can something go clear across the country and only have 1 scan? Of course the PO who scanned it has no idea where it is.

I hope someone along the way is taking care of the babies you are missing.
Me, too. Welp is replacing the order, but Its going to be three weeks.
My babies were lost and in shipping for 3 full days (I know that it still less than yours, however). I called and screamed, and threatened until someone finally found them. When I got the box they were all alive though one died shortly after.......the others were all very healthy and active ( wonder if she might have died anyway?). I just hope that somehow they are alright.

I guess what makes the least sense, they are losing a box that is literally screaming at them. HOW?????
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Bluehen, I ordered from Welp's last summer and didn't have a problem. The chicks last year were postmarked from New Mexico. I had another order with them that was supposed to ship Monday, and Tuesday rolls around, and I called to make sure they had even shipped since I didn't see a charge on my card. She said they had, and then a few hours later called me to let me know they received a fax from the hatchery they get some of their chicks from, and they had *not* shipped. Something wrong with a hatch or something.

My point I was getting to is, Welp hatchery *in* Iowa only has the cornish x other breeds are actually hatched in Iowa...this was told to me straight from the lady on the phone. So the chicks I was supposed to get this week, were to have come from the same place my last order did-New Mexico-Privett's hatchery to be exact. I also read somewhere awhile back, that they subcontract, or whatever you want to call it, from another hatchery in Minnesota...something about shipping points in NM, IA, and MN. So I would look into that, as far as shipping goes. If you ordered other breeds besides the broilers from what I'm understanding, they will not be coming from Iowa....
Thats actually encouraging. Im glad they made it okay. Mabe some postal worker has them. I can only hope at this point. I dont want them to suffer...
I called Welp, and they checked with the "supplier" and they insist they shipped. Huh, I really dont know what to think.
My first order of chicks (ever) was supposed to arrive 2/11. They never showed up. I called and called, they promised me they were shipped, and the NEVER came. SO sad! My first time, and all I could think about was those little chicks shivering somewhere. I called MMH again the following Thursday, and they replaced everything for free. It helped, but I was still so sad! So I completely understand what you're going through. My new troop has arrived, and while I have a few showing some wobbly leg symptoms, all are well! Talk to your hatchery, they should replace them for you.

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