Yes, it seems like you should have a way to close the windows in a driving rain. Is there a way to add ventilation at the top of the building? I know it's brick. I think it would be best to put it very high, with an awning over it to keep rain out. This is how we will do it. We will have a window on the side away from the weather because I want to give the a view and more air during hot months of summer. But most of the ventilation will be at the roof line, and perhaps some at ground level. Then our nesting boxes will be above the lower vents, the roosts higher than that, and then the high vents. Does that all make sense?
yep makes sense, I was thinking of locking up all windows except the 2nd and last picture that I uploaded(pg.1).
Because they have an archway outside... if u look at pic hopefully make sense so hopefully that will keep out the rain.:hmm sorry, prob doesn't make sense...lmk.
would this work?
Well, if you are like me, you'll try it out the way you think it will work, and then the first day it doesn't, ie: water gets inside, you will know what you need to do to stop it, and you'll be out in the rain fixing the situation. I've been soaked through many times doing this. The door may be an issue. Is that always completely open to the weather? Is it on the weather side of the building?

I read an article recently about how they decided in large production facilities that opening up the ends of the large coops actually worked better for the birds than keeping them closed, but I think they were more concerned about snow. I can't stress enough that rain is a bigger problem than snow. Rain plus freezing temperatures is a recipe for frostbite and freezing to death. My girls are frequently wet, outside in the rain by choice, and it's not a problem. The problem is when they are wet at night and the temperature goes down to and below freezing. I haven't lost a bird this way, but I have had frost bite on a comb before.
I have optional heat. I use a sweeter heater with my young 2 mo olds, and a heat plate in one of the other coops. It has been getting to and below freezing at night lately and I still have several birds that choose to go to the big coop that doesn't have a heat option. The cold is not the problem for birds that dampness is. I am using these heat sources because until this year I have always used heat lamps in my coops. I knew the chickens were warm and I got eggs through the winter. Now that I have learned this is not the best option for them, I have stopped doing that, but I'm concerned about my pampered girls who have not ever slept in a cold coop until now. So now I have empirical evidence that they do not require the heat. I say that but I know I have some hens who seek out the heat plate and sleep right in front of it. The chicks have a choice too. Sweeter Heater doesn't cover their whole coop, but they choose to be under it often even during the day. We all do it differently. I've often heard that chickens were lost because electricity went out and chickens that were used to having heat couldn't take the cold. I have a generator to cover us when electricity goes out. I, personally, will always have a heating option for them, as well as an unheated option. This is a decision you will have to make for yourself, but if I were starting with chickens for the first time, I might consider the no heat at all option. That was a lot of words...all worth about 2 cents I suppose. :lau
Awsome help:D... I think I'm gonna skip electricity and make sure the damp(rain) doesn't get in, and for the door leave the top half for ventilation(like you said), maybe turn it into a shutter? Thanks again for your tips:thumbsup
Awsome help:D... I think I'm gonna skip electricity and make sure the damp(rain) doesn't get in, and for the door leave the top half for ventilation(like you said), maybe turn it into a shutter? Thanks again for your tips:thumbsup
You're so welcome. I'm really just sharing what I've learned. If you go to the coop building forum you can find so much more information. I think the shutter is a good idea.

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