My Crazy Dog Eats Chicken Food!

My dogs eat: Cat food, cat poop, chicken poop, chicken food, old rotten corncobs, rotten tomatoes, goose poop, people food, you name it.
My cat eats: cat food, dog food, people food.
My chickens eat: chick food, hen food, cat food, dog food, anything that moves and even if it doesn't, paper, and they try to eat anything shiny or anything, period.

I wish my daughter had been like this! It would have saved me countless hours of wondering if she was getting a "well rounded" nutritional experience.
OMGoodness! I thought there was something wrong with Max, my new puppy. He loves chicken food! That's the only thing he gets riled up about - when the chickens are eating and he can't have any! Well, at least he doesn't eat the poo!
My GP's all eat Chicken food, Horse Food and HAY !!! They all will sit in the hay with the horses, eating right along with them. I keep telling them hay is too expensive for dogs to eat... go eat grass like a normal dog.
My dog (border collie mix) Loves chicken food (as well as chicken poop
) She goes with me to collect eggs every day and sometimes steals a little bit of the chickens food.
I find it comical. You know what they say, What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger! And it hasn't killed her yet.
Mine eat anything they can get their mouths on. Chicken food, goat food, cat food, cat poop, chicken poop, and goat poop. They eat everything. And all are healthy as horses. They are crazy. That is why they do it.

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