My drake, Peeta will only mate with one hen

How many drakes would you recommend? We have plenty of room to get more and will get more if necessary. I will separate katniss is the morning with a few other hens so she doesn’t get lonely. Thanks for your help
You should have 1 drake per 5 hens.. I'll let you do the math.
You have to separate Katniss from the male. What happens is, the drake will mate too much with her. She will start getting bald. And eventually, die. Here's what I would do: Separate Katniss, or the drake away from the flock for a little bit. (approximately 4 months) Also, 24 hens with 1 drake will lead to bad news.
How many drakes would you recommend? We have plenty of room to get more and will get more if necessary. I will separate katniss is the morning with a few other hens so she doesn’t get lonely. Thanks for your help

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