My "Easter Eggers" Lay white eggs; Are they really EEs? *photos*

Chicken math at it's finest!
Better build a BIG room addition so you can have those EE's you want! As far as feed store chicks, the problem is that the chicks might get moved around by customers, jump from one brooder to another (if possible) or the feed store employees just don't know chicken breeds all that well. Your girls look like they are healthy and happy though!
No they don't ~ although many do. As EE's are of "mixed" heritage there is no true standard for colors.

I have 3 EE's that have yellow legs ~ 2 lay green eggs and one lays a light brown. They are 1/2 Spangled Russian Orloff which is where they probably get their yellow legs.

They are some very nice Exchequer leghorns
I started out going to the feed store to get 4 chicks came home with 8. 2 of them where crippled and I took them home to try and save them, but did not make it. Then 1 developed a twisted beak and died. so by 3 months old I was down to 5 well I am now up to 13
And planning for the spring I am going to hatch out some of my own eggs and I might be getting a EE hen in the coming weeks
I have some Polish chicks right now almost 4 months old. I had a EE they are the best I love having them around
Once you get chickens you cant stop
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pips&peeps :

They are not exchequer leghorns; these are:

They are not welsummers; this is:

What you have is a brown leghorn; like these:

Thank you Pip&Peeps! Folks, why can you say something is what it is not? Wellies? Exchequers? Come on! If you knew then you would KNOW. Since you don't KNOW, well then don't confuse.​

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