My Eye Color...

Thats SO not funny! My BIL is a little.... eager in that way. And he owns a dairy.

well my eyes are brown my moms are blue my dads are green I have a sister and a brother with green eyes and another brother with blue. now my eyes are brown dh's are green we have a dd who has deep dark blue and one with almost jet black they are so brown. mine are not that brown.
The gene for brown eyes is dominant over the gene for blue eyes. If both your parents, however blue eyed they may be, have a gene for brown eyes, then you can get brown eyes.

Its ALL about how the genes mix, and mostly chance.

My mom has amazing blue eyes, my dad has flat brown eyes - I've got a dark brown/green hazel or caramel.
I really WAS the milkman's daughter.....a running joke in our family (my Dad worked for a milk company my whole childhood). And as if mine and my brother's brown eyes weren't enough, my brother got RED hair!!!!
all these brunettes everywhere and his red hair. Genetics are a funny thing!

Read a story a long time ago about a couple, both blonde, blue eyed, fair skinned. Had a baby with a slightly darker complexion and very dark hair. Of course hubby freaks out. DNA test proves baby is his. Did some genealogy studies and discovered both had distant African American ancestors. You never know how far back you have to look to find what you are searching for.
Not an unusual scenario where I live. If you are silly enough to have some problem with what your ancestry might be, don't have kids. I've seen way too many cases where a Caucasian family freaked over the baby having curly black hair and a bit of color to its complexion.

My BIL was a native Hawaiian, related to their royal family, even resembled them. His mother told my sister that there was African blood in the family, but her son wanted to deny this. Good thing sis had already had kids and a hysterectomy.

Please, if someone is offended, I don't mean to imply that only one race is bothered by only one other race in its ancestry. I do know better. The whole thing is a bit silly to me, regardless of what mix may be involved. Hybrids in chickens and dogs are often more vigorous, after all. And my DIL's skin is a bit dark....
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OK! My father has dark brown eyes, my mom has bright blue eyes, my siblings have either bright blue eyes or dark brown eyes----I have bright green eyes! What's with this??? No one knows, of anyone in my family, on either side, that has green eyes...Except me..
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There is another thread here about this that is fairly current. The genetics are complicated. Does not mean you are a milkman's daughter, I promise. Do some genetics research.
It had to be either Gypsies left you behind or maybe you were found under a cabbage leaf. Those are the only possibilities.

Can't be gypsies. Has to be the cabbage leaf. LOL....

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