Will folks after not having chicken for ten years I'm back. This is one happy old man.I had chickens back in So.Cal ten years ago and a member of BYC back then.But I had to get rid of my flock of 25 girls being I was in Long Beach.I'm now in Idaho and have a place now that I can raise chicken.A friend of mind and I purchase a incubator together.She has the best looking little Mille Fleur rooster and two Buff Brahma hens that got together.So she give me eight eggs from them and my buddy gave me eggs from his flock to see what we could come up with.Two of the Mille and Buff eggs have hatch today have more pecking.I will be looking to find a nice Mille girl for this boy to get some baby from. Also another friend of a friend has Bantam eggs for me after I get done with this hatch.Have the brooder set up heat is set at 90 I'm waiting for the second peep to dry before moving the two over to the brooder. My heart is happy.