My first egg hatched! **UPDATE** Chick died

Congrats! I'm expecting my first hatchlings in about nine days. It must be exciting the first time. I guess I'll find out, won't I?


No baby!

I just went to check on the chickens and the chick is GONE! I'm not sure if one of the other hens got to her and killed her, or she died and mom ate her or buried her in the back of her nesting box in the mound of shavings.

Any ideas? I have one that is due today. If this one doesn't make it then I guess hubby doesn't have to build a home made bator because all the rest of the eggs are due between 8-14 days from now.

I'm so sad!

Was the chick indoors? In coop? Are there escape holes? - nooks or crannies he could have gotten stuck in or fallen into?

Do you keep dogs?

Has anyone else been in (perhaps leaving door cracked too long)?
She was in the coop with all 10 of my standard hens and Prince Roo. She was perfectly comfortable snuggling under Ginger, "mom". She would have froze if she didn't stay with Ginger. I highly doubt she would have ventured away from the warmth of mommy.

I did look around the coop, just in case she decided to venture around. I only found a few feathers from her in the nest. I am afraid one of the other hens, or even our roo, may have ate her!

Any ideas?
I found her. She was stuck in the back of the nesting box (there isn't a "back" on the nesting boxes). It is pulled out a little from the wall because shavings have built up over the winter.

I just told hubby and told him we need to put a back on that nest ASAP so this doesn't happen to any more chicks!

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