My First Loss to a Predator

So sorry for your loss. There’s just something special about chickens. To gain their trust for them to show and ask for affection is just special. I can’t imagine the depth of your heartache.
Again so sorry for your loss. :hit
cloud 2 gold hen good bye 2.jpg

Greetings Lady J, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I lost my precious, Inky, to a bobcat exactly one year, to the day, last August. I was crushed to lose her. I tried to save her, but, couldn't. :hit
It's very painful. :hugs
The beautiful, sweet, brown feathered soul in my profile pic got taken by a predator last night. It is my first loss, and it would have to be her. I just want to curl up in the fetal position and mourn. Happened last night. My guess is either a coon or a possum because it had to climb up into the pen. It is on a concrete slab, so no way for anything to dig under and in.

So sorry, I can certainly feel your pain. I lost one of my favorites a couple weeks ago to a fox. It's so heartbreaking to know that something killed them. The girls are locked in their run now, but hate it. They want to free-range so badly.
It/they (2 coons) were back last night, and I was ready! Posted my story in this thread. I found Minnie on the roof of the hen house. She was completely in tact except for 1/2 of her breast and body cavity.

I wish they had a "dislike" for some posts... I'm sad that they got Minnie, but I like that you stopped them from getting another. Darn predators... go after the wild things, not the ones we have "safely locked up"!
I wish they had a "dislike" for some posts... I'm sad that they got Minnie, but I like that you stopped them from getting another. Darn predators... go after the wild things, not the ones we have "safely locked up"!
Amen! Exactly what I have been thinking.
Pretty much guaranteed.

That is a little scary, those suckers are vicious. I suggest you take something intended to kill next time. It could have jumped on your face as easily as it fled.

Those open rafters MUST be secured!
When I jabbed the first one and knocked it off the rafter, I took off running because I thought it was going to fall through the wire underpinning. When I realized the wire was attached strong enough to hold him, I just started jabbing like crazy. All that coon wanted to do was get the heck out of Dodge as fast as he or she could! It was insane!
OH I'm so sorry this happened to your sweet girl! Was she a chocolate Orpington? We have one and she is the sweetest girl ever! I would be so sad if that happened. Hugs to you!
Yes. I have (had) two, Minnie and Abie. Minnie was my favorite.

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