My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

If there is infection then I'd probably give amoxicillin orally, but since the beak is so damaged you can get penicillin G procaine inject-able which might be better in this instance with the beak damage. It's available at Tractor Supply's, no rx, it's refrigerated. You will need syringes and needles. .5cc once a day in the breast muscle for 3 -7 days, alternate sides of breast. Here are instructions, scroll down to 'give injection' and 'treat with penicillin injection' right after:
If you think you can get amoxicillin down her, you can get it as 'fish mox' many places online with no rx. I usually mix it in coconut oil and refrigerate til firm, then give like a custom pill.
Any open wound can get infected. If you haven't done so already (I know you don't want to stress her out) you need to check her over well to make sure there are no other injuries hiding in feathers. Punctures can be hard to find.
I will probably have to inject. Thank you for that!:hugsAlso, she wouldn't really take scrambled egg, I got maybe 4 small pieces in her. I think it's because she doesn't know how to get it down, so I'll have to tube-feed her. I looked her over and haven't seen any other wounds. But her throat almost seems to still have food it in, I'm not sure because she did NOT like my touching it, but that's what it seems like.
I’m glad you are helping with the pain. I put the aspirin dosage in this thread in case you need it.

I wrote a post about this and it never posted or something but I read in an article about “forced molting” that chickens can go several days without food. Removing food for 5-14 days is how commercial egg producers get all of their hens to moult at once.*

So if she was healthy before she may be okay to not really eat for a few days. If you can give her fluids, you might even give her a little sugar water to perk her up. Of course you can use the sweetener of your choice.

*not endorsing this process, just using it for information.
I’m glad you are helping with the pain. I put the aspirin dosage in this thread in case you need it.

I wrote a post about this and it never posted or something but I read in an article about “forced molting” that chickens can go several days without food. Removing food for 5-14 days is how commercial egg producers get all of their hens to moult at once.*

So if she was healthy before she may be okay to not really eat for a few days. If you can give her fluids, you might even give her a little sugar water to perk her up. Of course you can use the sweetener of your choice.

*not endorsing this process, just using it for information.
I'll keep it in mind, thank you. I've never heard that before, huh.
Thank you @Willowspirit so much:hugs
Yesterday night, this is going to sound weird, disgusting, and possibly false, but I think her..eye popped out:ducWhat I saw was her left "eye" looked almost like a white, creamy dollop of yogurt popping out in between her eyelid. Then, in the morning it like dried out and got yellow, shrunk a little in size, but really no other difference. I was afraid the flies would get to it but they seemed to leave it alone (knock on wood). So...what do I do for that? I was debating on doing it or not, but I did spray a little bit of Vetericyn on it and the rest of her scratches. There is a deeper scratch in the crevice of her comb where it got scratch and is flopped over (it's always been flopped since she started growing one of that size). I put some plantain in it, and the damp cloth. It seems to not be infected, but the front of her comb is still a deeper red and almost like, softer. Does that mean infection, fever (which she has cooled down since the first time i checked her), or just because it was a part/so close to the wound?
You all have helped me so much and I appreciate it so much, so thank you everyone!:hugs

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