My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

We never did find out what caused this horrible injury, did we? Thank you, @RooandherRooster for trying so hard to take care of this bird and ultimately making the humane decision for her.
Not for sure, but I have a hunch. A few days after it happened, we found a dead raccoon in the beginning of our woods. It was on the trail that we have, by the water. It looked like it had a seizure or was choking or something. The way it was laying on its side and the shape of the sand moved around it, plus the muddy/sandy paws. So I'm willing to bet there might be part of a beak left when it decomposes, provided the bugs and other animals don't eat it.
And thank you all for your compliments!:love

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