My hen never layed eggs since last summer and winter and since the begging of march she suddenly started laying eggs any advice?

She's probably bored and eager to get out of the coop. I try to let mine out of the run when the sun rises, but I don't close the coop at night so they can still get to the run when it's daytime if I can't open the run before leaving
Right, OK, just wondered why you were letting her out an hour later now she's more impatient.
I am very afraid of letting them out during the day without supervision since last year during spring one my hens got attacked by a hawk so I let them out at 10 am instead of 7 or 8 am , but during that time I did not have this hen
:welcome :frow I agree a covered run is best. I have several coops and pens. All of my pens are covered. I also have electric wires around my coops and pens as well as concrete under the gates all due to losses from predators in the past. Nothing has gotten past the electric wires that are around my coops and pens. If any predator touches the they will hurt for a couple of days but I have a quite powerful fence charger. I used to close the pop doors in the coops at night but I don't anymore but haven't had any issues. Nothing can get in. I have several game cameras up around my property and most nights see predators on them when most roam here. I love my cameras. This is an older picture of a coyote at my chick/grow-out coop. There are electric wires going around it.
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Where did you buy the electric wires from?
This coyotes know the hot wires are there. I think once they have been zapped the adult predators teach their young that a bird isn't worth getting zapped for.

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