My hen's egg broke inside her & her crop is huge, HELP Please!

You could have your other layers on grower feed with a side offering of oyster shell - free choice/ If a hen needs they will eat it. If your girl eventually gets put back with them that would work out. I doubt she would touch the oyster shell.

Though keeping her away from them may remove any urge of hers to keep up with egg laying. Could you make her a house pet? Lots of people have house chickens. There is even the thread "people with house chickens.'
UPDATE about Millie...
I want to start by thanking EVERYONE that responded and helped me with ideas an suggestions about my chicken Millie. I fed her soft food, massage her crop, checked for residues of egg shells, in her, gave her vitamins and kept her under observation while she is in the basement. Last night when I came home, I found out that she had pooped a lot and she was upset at me because I haven;t been feeding her much. I could almost say she was cursing, but only she knows =p I gave her a bit of grains and she ate them all. However, the oyster shells she did not, it's like she put them aside!! Now I am coming to the conclusion why her egg shells are so fragile, like paper! She doesn't like oyster shells!! So I took some and grind them and mix them with her food. I always have osyer shells next to their food in a container available to them and I see all the other ones eating them. I will probably have to grind some and add them to the food when I give all the chickens food because of Millie! I just hope the other ones don't have "excess" oyster sells, ideas anyone? Could it affect if a chicken has too much oyster shells?? Since I'll be adding the powder form in their food and leave the hard oyster shells normally in their bowl next to their food like I have always done. Let me know please =)
Other than that, she had a good night and this morning she woke up with an appetite and also gave her a little bit of cilantro. She is bullied by 2 members of the flock, so I am spoiling her all by herself.
Funny, when it was time for her to go to bed, I turned the lights off in the basement but left the door open and the light was on in the other room. She must have seen the light and got out of her play pen where I had her and flew up the stairs! When I heard one of the dogs barking, I went to see what was going on and Millie was in the back room!! I am assuming that she is feeling better and her crop is now about the size of a prune. Tonight when all the other girls are roosting, I am planning to put Millie back with them.
As always, I am open to suggestions. THANK YOU all that have helped me! =)
Pleased to hear that she is doing better and is keen to have food. Do be careful about giving her grains for a few days when she has had crop problems. I would only giver her soft foods like wet mash and scrambled egg and no greens just yet either. She may have a problem absorbing calcium.... some greens like spinach and kale can suppress absorption of calcium..... I'm not sure what cilantro is.... we may call it something else here in the UK. You can sprinkle a ground up human calcium tablet onto some scrambled egg for her a couple of times a week rather than grind the oyster shell and feed it to everyone and risk them getting too much.... over a period of time excess calcium can affect the liver/kidneys so better to just supplement her. Make sure she has access to granite grit when you are feeding grains and greens as well as her regular ration.

I hope she continues to do well and reintegrates back into the flock without issue.
Pleased to hear that she is doing better and is keen to have food. Do be careful about giving her grains for a few days when she has had crop problems. I would only giver her soft foods like wet mash and scrambled egg and no greens just yet either. She may have a problem absorbing calcium.... some greens like spinach and kale can suppress absorption of calcium..... I'm not sure what cilantro is.... we may call it something else here in the UK. You can sprinkle a ground up human calcium tablet onto some scrambled egg for her a couple of times a week rather than grind the oyster shell and feed it to everyone and risk them getting too much.... over a period of time excess calcium can affect the liver/kidneys so better to just supplement her. Make sure she has access to granite grit when you are feeding grains and greens as well as her regular ration.

I hope she continues to do well and reintegrates back into the flock without issue.
Rebrascora, thank you so much for your response! That makes sense that excess calcium could affect them and thank you for the suggestion as to what can be done. I greatly appreciate it! =) She seems back to normal but I am still watching her. She hasn't laid any eggs since I brought her in the house and even now that she has rejoined the flock.
You could have your other layers on grower feed with a side offering of oyster shell - free choice/ If a hen needs they will eat it. If your girl eventually gets put back with them that would work out. I doubt she would touch the oyster shell.

Though keeping her away from them may remove any urge of hers to keep up with egg laying. Could you make her a house pet? Lots of people have house chickens. There is even the thread "people with house chickens.'
Drumstick diva,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have heard but not really pay too much attention about "house chickens". That's something that I am curious to find out, it's good to know. Good to know what people do and how. And about the food, grower feed, even though some just turned 4 years and the others are 8 months old would work with a side of oyster shells?
Great to hear that she is more or less back to normal and enjoying being back with her pals and hopefully producing eggs again for you soon.

edited to add.....

Yes, Grower or All Flock will be fine for them all as long as you have oyster shell available in a separate bowl free choice. This particular girl may need a weekly calcium supplement boost though since she had a problem like this..... monitor and see how she does. It might just have been a one off.
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Great to hear that she is more or less back to normal and enjoying being back with her pals and hopefully producing eggs again for you soon.

edited to add.....

Yes, Grower or All Flock will be fine for them all as long as you have oyster shell available in a separate bowl free choice. This particular girl may need a weekly calcium supplement boost though since she had a problem like this..... monitor and see how she does. It might just have been a one off.
Thank you so much! I like the idea of a weekly calcium supplement. She has had trouble laying for a long time. I do have oyster shells available for them at all times. Thank you for all your help =)

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