My homemade sand sifter *PICS*


Several people talk about sand. I use a combination of play sand and sweet-pdz, or stall dry mixed together. They contain De but also other things to dry the poop and get rid of the smell. I use it on the poop board which has a higher edge around it to hold in the mix. On the floor I still use shavings. If kept dry both work better but the sand on top is easier for me to manage. Not as much to lug to the compost pile. The floor is not cleanned out as often. The chickens are happy and so am I. Love the rake but my hb knew I just needed something short. He took a heavy wt but small dust pan and drilled holes for the sand to drop threw. I like it better, that and the cat littler scoop. I have 14 chickens. Gloria Jean
I use a small reptile sand sifter for a smaller area made by zoo med which I purchased at our local is like a teeney weeney colander w/ a hand that reminds me of one you would drain the tiny pastina pasta w/

I've never heard that fork called a "future fork"-- maybe that is a brand name exclusive to the one OP bought?? I have horses, so I use those forks to clean out my trailer after hauling, around our campsite when we trail ride and of course-- in the horse stalls at home! We call them 'Apple Pickers'. A very generic name, but a horse person will know exactly what you're talking about. I would NEVER pay $300 or $50 for one of those forks! WOW! They are at your farm store in the horse section, and they are easy to come by. I think it's brilliant that the OP just made her own from hardware cloth for sifting sand. Very smart, and same concept. It may be a plastic tinned fork, but I've had one for years in my barn and they just never break- even on heavy duty lifting of horse manure out of stalls. I bought a new one recently to just leave in my horse trailer for trips- they just aren't that expensive. Brilliant! I didn't even know about the existence of the $300 one.. so it's nice to have this brought to our attention and just retro fit what we have! Thanks!
Yeah I made that exact sifter 4 years ago when I got tired of sifting with cat litter scoop. I used the deep manure fork and can clean the whole 30 x 16 run In about 30 minutes. Just have to replace the wire about every two years.
How deep should sand be in their run? What is sweet-pdz? What is dry stall mix? Sorry for the questions. I'm obviously new to the backyard chickens. I love my girls more then I thought I would. My fenced yard for them is 10'x10' their coup is 78"Lx30"Wx41"H. Trying to give the girls the best I can with my ability including keeping cost down.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Note the shed behind is not part of chickens home.

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