Please, for the good of humankind, get a new goal!!

A turkey or goat would be nice to have, don’t you think?

:old :old :old :old
No, Ralphie! These little ducks are so incredibly soft and sweet, even if my Ralphie Dux is a little too amorous! :lau

And, I have taken advantage of him running up behind me and weaving in and out of my legs when I keep walking, in spite of him almost making me fall. — It (falling) will happen for sure at some point. I just hope he’s quick enough to get out of the way when I finally hit the ground. He might become Sqush Duck! — Each time he does this, I bend over and scoop him up and hold him, loving on him till he squirts poop on me. I guess I’m gonna have to invest in a duckie diaper. I just wonder how Chuck & Buck don’t soil everything they touch! :idunno
What cute fluffiness! We JUST moved to an area that allows it, this week we got a chicken coop and will be getting our pullets end of Aug, then a new baby due in October 😂 just want to adjust to all of that first lol!! But in the next year or two we’ll be taking the plunge!
Congrats on the chickens, but especially on having a child! You will love having chickens, but nothing compares to the love you’ll have for a new baby. You will have blinders on for a while — and only have eyes for your sweet little one.

It is good that your chicks will be up and out of their “infancy” stage before your little one arrives. Also, I am thankful another child will grow up knowing the responsibilities (and love) having a farm animal brings.

Best of luck on the chickens, baby, and ducks!❤️
No, Ralphie! These little ducks are so incredibly soft and sweet, even if my Ralphie Dux is a little too amorous! :lau

And, I have taken advantage of him running up behind me and weaving in and out of my legs when I keep walking, in spite of him almost making me fall. — It (falling) will happen for sure at some point. I just hope he’s quick enough to get out of the way when I finally hit the ground. He might become Sqush Duck! — Each time he does this, I bend over and scoop him up and hold him, loving on him till he squirts poop on me. I guess I’m gonna have to invest in a duckie diaper. I just wonder how Chuck & Buck don’t soil everything they touch! :idunno
Chuck and Buck do soil everything and everybody! - If i remember correctly @SuperDuck has »duck blankets« in reaching distance all over her place. You want to cuddle with the boys, just grab a blanket…
What cute fluffiness! We JUST moved to an area that allows it, this week we got a chicken coop and will be getting our pullets end of Aug, then a new baby due in October 😂 just want to adjust to all of that first lol!! But in the next year or two we’ll be taking the plunge!
Just don't be fooled by the fluffy cuteness! - Compared to chicks, ducklings produce a lot more poop and are much messier. Last fall one of my neighbors was overwhelmed and i had to take in her ducklings. She has been faithful to chickens ever since… ;)
No, Ralphie! These little ducks are so incredibly soft and sweet, even if my Ralphie Dux is a little too amorous! :lau

And, I have taken advantage of him running up behind me and weaving in and out of my legs when I keep walking, in spite of him almost making me fall. — It (falling) will happen for sure at some point. I just hope he’s quick enough to get out of the way when I finally hit the ground. He might become Sqush Duck! — Each time he does this, I bend over and scoop him up and hold him, loving on him till he squirts poop on me. I guess I’m gonna have to invest in a duckie diaper. I just wonder how Chuck & Buck don’t soil everything they touch! :idunno
Oh no! You have already been conditioned by him: He is running between your legs to be picked up and cuddled by you! Cats and dogs so the same to their owners…
The little back-end accident is just a joy-poop! :lau
Oh no! You have already been conditioned by him: He is running between your legs to be picked up and cuddled by you! Cats and dogs so the same to their owners…
The little back-end accident is just a joy-poop! :lau
Do you really think he’s doing that for me to pick him up? I originally thought it was some kind of male maturity thing, but he is not aggressive at all. I’m really not sure how a drake could be aggressive like a rooster could.
Do you really think he’s doing that for me to pick him up? I originally thought it was some kind of male maturity thing, but he is not aggressive at all. I’m really not sure how a drake could be aggressive like a rooster could.
Some of my drakes are aggressive towards me, they won't run around my feet, they (try to) make their stand in front of me, assuming a posture as tall as they can and rasp with their bills wide open. They think they can nibble me to death… :lau
So Ralphie, running between your legs could very well be out to get picked up and maybe fed a little treat… (?)
Do you really think he’s doing that for me to pick him up? I originally thought it was some kind of male maturity thing, but he is not aggressive at all. I’m really not sure how a drake could be aggressive like a rooster could.
Ha, no rooster here but Quatro the drake is a terror. tries to amputate my toes blood blisters on my hands and legs.

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