My name is Steve and I have a problem...


If you're looking for an intervention HERE... then yeah, wrong place!

OCD-surgeon-general 2.gif


Thanks for the welcome and the memes everyone. Have updated my profile as suggested. The reason things got out of hand with the incubating is mainly due to this little guy in my profile pic. After the council made me get rid of him I was desperate to hatch some chicks by him so I ordered a 7-egg incubator of ebay but it took 10 days to get here because apparently that's how long it takes Australia Post to move a package from 1 part of the country to another so my only option was to hire a 56 egg incubator from a local breeder for $50, plus $50 deposit. She did throw in a free dozen eggs with a second available for $20 so I figured go all in with 18 Ameraucana and 6 Australorp eggs and try to sell most of them to recoup the costs. Annoyingly I could've ordered a 24 egg incubator with automatic turning for $56 from ebay if I had more time. Plus it turns out the Australorps which were an afterthought turned out to be exhibition quality with perfect four serated combs and the Ameraucanas are scruffy little bantams so I'm thinking the responsible thing to do might be to give her another $50 to purchase the incubator outright and get as many more australorp eggs as I can, maybe some of her "orange" new hampshires as well to balance the colour mix out.

Also in talks with one of my housemates about renting a rural/homestead property away from the city so I can keep roosters and he can breed dogs. I'm sure that'll go well :rolleyes:

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