My new Coop and Square foot garden


8 Years
Apr 1, 2013
I've been lurking awhile and trying to use as much information as possible in my design. Here is the coop we came up with and run. ( I already regret not making the run walk in hieght) but that can be changed later and/or based on the things I've read this won't be our last coop just our smaller one
. I could see this one being a phesant coop for a pair of golden phesants one day. They will be able to free range during the day when we're home.

The skirting around it is made from 2 12"x12" pavers on top of hardware cloth laid on the ground. After considering the possibility of a coon moving the pavers. I decided to build my Square foot garden around the coop and use the walls to box in the pavers. There's a white picket fence going in this weekend around the whole garden, dirt in the beds and the vegtables. Long term plans are to have wired chicken tunnels through the rows so they can work the ground and control bugs.

The void to the left front of the planters will be a compost bin and along the back there is a planter 3' by 21' for tomatoes the space leading to the coop will be paved this weekend as well.

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Oooh! I looks so official and nice! Very well done!!

I love the idea of the chickens eventually making it into the gardens. What a space saver this whole unit is! Well done!
Thanks Hopefully it will be finished this weekend. Still debating over putting sand in the run there is a 5.5" deck board border so I could actually put about 2-3 inches of depth but I'm not sure how well it will hold up

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