My new Horsey is coming!!! Update: Pictures :)

$20-22 a bale is what hay's going for in So. Cal - that's the 110-115 lb 3 wire bale, not the small 40-50 lb 2 wire bale we get here in MO. I'm guessing the 110lb bales are what she's pricing. they don't have those in CA, or most of the western / west coast states.

in MO the small 2-wire bales are going for $5-7.50.... so 50-70% of the CA bales.
Wow, we pay around $3 to $3.50 for the small squares. Rounds are at $30 ea.

BTW, here are some pictures. We had snow today
so we had to work around that




Soooo in love

He did hit his head in teh big transport trailer but is healing well.
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I do love the drafts. I need to break my paint filly this winter, she'll be three this spring, she's a pretty big girl.
I just sent my TB gelding to CO yesterday, he's going to be the Field Master's horse for the hunt club! I've had him for 8 years but I'm getting too old for a TB and the hunting I've been doing lately is beagle hunting which is too much stop and go for my TB. He likes the foxhounds which are long distance, fast and lots of low jumps. We don't really have jumps here. Just some brush and ditches. My neck arthritis won't tolerate the type of fox hunting he enjoys and the real foxhunts are too far away. With diesel fuel so expensive and hay bales getting upwards of nearly $2o a bale this winter I decided he needed a new home.
I still have my three paints. One senior citizen, her son and daughter. Her son is a saint and so is she. I have every reason to expect her daughter will be, too. Much more my speed, nowadays. I don't need an off the track TB to chase 12" beagles anymore.

Did...did you just say $20.00 a bale???? As in small square bale????

They are 100 pound bales of alfalfa.
SO CUTE! I love them at this age - all legs and big feet - just like puppies! He has a clever looking eye. I bet he is constantly in your business and won't leave you alone when you are near him, right?.
How did you know that???? He likes to follow us around everywhere!

Yes, he is such a sweetheart. I knew he would be a kind guy but he is just amazing. My farrier checked his hooves himself too and was so pleased. He taught me how to buy a horse with the “tent method”. That worked well this time and I look forward to watching Ransom grow. He was clipped in the summer and hasn’t built a good coat for our MI winters so he’ll get a blanky tonight. He is a size 68 already! Friday I will put him together with my Friesian Shire Colt. They are both the same age and will be able to play. It’ll be so much fun. More pictures to come if the weather ever gets better

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