My Pet Chicken?? ordering chicks?

Update on my mypetchicken order-
My chicks were due yesterday or today. When I hadn't heard from the post office by 8 this morning I called to check and no chickies. After a slightly panicked email to customer service I gota reply saying they would have a tracking number to me shortly. An hour so so later I got a phone call checking to see if the chicks had come yet. NO! They were still trying to find the tracking number. An hour or so later they called back. Apparently they FORGOT to mail my chicks! At least that's what they hope happened. They can't find the tracking number and think that perhaps the chicks never went out. Although I am to call them if a random box of chickens shows up at my house.
The good-
1. There isn't a box of dying, dehydrated chicks out there. MPC promised to try again on May5th.
2. They're throwing in a couple of mille fleurs that they were out of this time. Yay! Now I don't have to buy an incubator and hatch my own.

The bad-
1. I placed that order back in February. We have had a number of email conversations about it since then. How do you forget to fill an order? Do they not use computers to keep track of these things? If I hadn't emailed in a panic, would I ever have gotten my chicks? Do they not log what orders are filled as they toss chicks in a box?
2. I have to wait two more weeks for the chicks! I was hoping to have them out of the house before my entire extended family shows up for Memorial Day. (The brooder is sitting on the dining room table.) Now they are unlikely to be feathered out enough to stay outside! Arggg.
3. Did I mention that I have to wait TWO WHOLE WEEKS?!!! It's like saying that Christmas is being postponed for a couple of weeks!

The customer service ladies were really nice. They couldn't have been more pleasant. AND the addition of the mille fleur hens is pretty swell. But I still don't have my chickens.

At this point my only reason to buy from them would be because they sex bantums.

Chicken-less in TN
Chickenless in only order from MPC ever didn't show up either. I called, they called me back. I had the same exact story that they gave you!...only I didn't believe it.

The girl said, well, I can't find the tracking number, so we might have forgotten to send them. If we did, they are probably dead by now anyway, so we'll just send you new ones.

I called the Nashville Main Post Office, got a supervisor on the phone. He went to make sure there weren't any boxes that were chirping sitting in there, and what did he find? A chirping box, addressed to me, that had been pushed in the corner.

He gave me clearance to come straight to the warehouse which is at the airport, and I got the chicks. One had died, but the other three were perfectly healthy. I can say the customer service at the Nashville Main Post Office is AMAZING...MPC...well, not so good.
It is nice to be able to order a small amount. Although I paid about 90 dollars for 11 chicks. 2 were on their way out when I received the box. I called MPC and told them so they could replace the 2 babies that died, and they said they were not taking any orders at that time and I would have to call in a few weeks and check back. I wasn't very happy about that.
*SIGH* After posting on here that I never received a response to my emails about my replacement chicks (but did to any cutesy emails) I got an email from MPC (sent from here, so they are reading this thread). It was an apology for not replying previously and a request for my original order # so they could take care of things. That was Monday. I immediately replied with the order # and a brief description of what was wrong. This is Thursday night and no reply.....again. *SIGH* Figured if I put a message about it here I am more likely to hear from them? Here is the major problem I have, though. When I order a small # of chicks and end up paying $75 or so and only get 7 laying hens (and one of those was the wrong breed), refunding the $3 or so per chick (for 4 chicks) isn't going to do a lot of good. Unless they are willing to ship me what I want and eat the shipping cost themselves, it is really of no use. However, I have no clue what they plan to do since they aren't in any hurry to discuss it.
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I am new to this whole thing, and I was going to order from MPC. However, I have a friend who works at my local feed store and she called to tell me that they had just gotten in a huge order of chicks. They had both a straight run available and sexed females. I figured that since it was my first time, I would be ok. Plus, they ended up having the kind I wanted. So, I have 7 very happy and healthy little girls. Or so I hope they are all girls. I think I ended up paying about $2.39 per chick.
When I had priced what I wanted on MPC, it would have cost me like, $85 or so. I wanted to sink that money into one happenin' coop!!!
My advice to ANYONE ordering small orders of chicks (not just from MPC) is to call your local post office and speak with them. This may take some tracking down on your part. First, you need to know whether your package will come Express or Priority. That dependes on how many chicks you order. Armed with that info, call your local branch P.O. and ask for the number for the nearest distribution center. Explain that you're expecting a box with a VERY SMALL NUMBER of chicks (i.e. stress that unlike larger shipments that they may be familiar with handling, these will be much more likely to die if left for even a few extra hours) and would like to know how you can get them at the very earliest time. In my case I knew it was an Express package, so they told me the routing for express packages... airport to main distribution center, then on a truck to local distribution center, then to post office. I said, "Can I pick up at the main distribution center?" They said no, as its closed to the public, but took my phone number and date of arrival, told me to call the local distribution center and give my number, and THEY would call me and I could go pick them up there rather than have them put on a truck to the P.O.
Well, as it turned out, the main distribution center folks called as soon as the bgox arrived, and an employee brought it straight to me house. The chicks had been in transit about 18 hours only!!

I'd also like to point out that MPC does not ship the chicks themselves. Theya re shipped from the hatchery, so MPC does not have control over it. Not that that excuses lost packages or whatever, but you should know that it isn't necessarily that MPC is not organized about shipments, it's most likely the hatchery.

best to all,
Good info, Seachick!
I did contact my local post office. Several times in fact. I think I am now the crazy chicken lady and I don't even have them yet!
I didnt' think to call the hub as I believed mypetchicken when they said the chicks didn't go out. After Spudchild's comments though it concerns me that perhaps there was a box of chicks out there that has now perished. How sad. I know mypetchicken doesn't ship themselves, but it seems they should have greater control over the hatchery/hatcheries that they use. Clearly they have "forgetten" to ship more than once.

They chicks could have gone out on Monday. Do we think that any of them might still be alive?

Spudchild- where are you in Nashville? I'm just outside of Murfreesboro.
I just received an e-mail saying this:

Hi Jenny,

I did want to include a note to you about the shipping date. You
requested May 12th, but there were no Australorps available until
5/27, and no New Hampshire Reds until 6/2.

Good luck to you with your new babies!



First off I never requested May 12th! They are the ones that gave me that date. I am waiting for an e-mail or phone call back from them. I told them to ship what was available and delete the Australorp and the NHR.

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