My Rescued battery hens - day one.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 6, 2010
Suffolk UK
I picked up 4 ex battery hens this morning. They were rescued from the battery farm about 2 weeks ago and are spending their first day on their new home.
Though you guys might like to see some pics. Will post more as they progress to full health.

Also wondering if anyone can tell me what breed they are?


Three and a half chickens in one nest box; old habits.....


Congratulations for helping hens in need! Poor things. As we say in the horse world: They been rode hard and put up wet. Can't wait to see how they progress in less crowded conditions.
They are red sex-links. Red sex-links are as ubiquitous in commercial brown egg production as the White Leghorn is in white egg production. ISA Brown is a specific strain of red sex-link. There are numerous lines from several different companies available to the commercial egg industry; Hi-Sex Browns, Bovan Browns, and Tetra Browns are a few lines that I am familiar with. It's hard to say what lines they are from without knowing what hatchery they came from or what lines are the most popular for production in your area.

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