My Rooster laid an egg!!!

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Chimeras are animals that have DNA for one sex or trait on one half of the body and different on the other. Like those cool cars that are calico on one side and black on the orher, cut clean down the middle. I'll grab an example
I know what chimeras are, but I was responding to:
Unless it’s a genetic chimaera, then it would depend where on subject the DNA was collected.
Which made it sound like it will be different on different parts of the chicken if it's not a chimera.
I know what chimeras are, but I was responding to:

Which made it sound like it will be different on different parts of the chicken if it's not a chimera.

Like the picture shows, there is male DNA on one side and female on the other. So if you only take blood from one side, it will show just that DNA

It wou
We are really jumping to conclusions here..... Bet you its a trick.
Got it, yeah.... It’s pretty obvious that a lot of people think it’s a trick.
I don’t, and I’m trying to help the op understand the possibilities and not join the masses to tell him again “ it’s a trick”
Why would the DNA be different on different parts of the chicken?
I know what chimeras are, but I was responding to:

Which made it sound like it will be different on different parts of the chicken if it's not a chimera.
It would only have different DNA if it was a chimaera obviously. Women have almost got their children taken away and charged with fraud because their uterus dna was different than the sample taken from her arm.(don’t think they cover this stuff in regular biology books, they’re for learning about normal biology)
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