My Rooster laid an egg!!!

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This reminds me of something.... hmmm.... Oh I know! When that trolls "Peacoke" mated with their "chimken" and create a peacock/chicken hybird that turned out to be a Guinea. :lau

Seriously though OP, I don't think it is possible for a rooster to lay an egg. If you are 100% positive you are not getting tricked then I think the most likely answer is it's a hen that looks like roo. I don't have any other explanations, then you are getting trolled.
Well I think we all know the only way to settle this....

This is why we're friends.
Anyone who posts here claiming roosters can lay eggs is a troll.
Lookee here, this Sultan rooster is totally capable of laying an egg with no organs to do so.

The experts know the anatomy of a damn chicken. And I don’t see any shell glands or ovaries in between those testicles.
I did not need to see that.
It’s probably a hen that became a rooster, when it was injured it probably shut down the male reproductive system to heal it and it’s female system reactivated. Similar to when hens transition to roosters(or dominant crowing hens).

Kinda like saying if I grow a beard or smoke a pipe (shut up Odd) I've turned into a man.
Not really - I'm just doing things that are usually viewed as male.

A hen might stop laying eggs and begin crowing - and even grow male feathering, but she's still a hen. She will not fertilize eggs.

Just as a male chicken will never lay eggs.
A chicken that is laying eggs is female. Period.

Solution is pretty simple. Either the cockerel is a female taking on male traits, or it's a male, and the egg was laid by another bird.
Or the OP is trolling.

Either way, time will tell.
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