My sister was harassed at a farmer's market! RANT!!

It does not say that you have to have new cartons. It says that a vendor is not allowed to use packaging bearing the name of another producer. The general practice is to use a thick marker to mark out old info or cover with a new label.

Law does not permit re-using egg cartons or other packaging materials bearing the identity of another producer
I have had "the man" come down on me a few times. One time I had to pack up and leave because I didn't want to pay 75 cents a chick to have them blood tested.

If the egg police get after me I tell them they are hatching eggs and then if the livestock people get after me I tell them they are eating eggs. I sure hope they don't ever show up at the same time.
If the egg police get after me I tell them they are hatching eggs and then if the livestock people get after me I tell them they are eating eggs. I sure hope they don't ever show up at the same time.

Dont complain out not being able to sell eggs is all i can say!! Here in NS it is compltley illelgal to sell eggs <whizzles>

And you might want to invest in some little tiny labels you should be able to find a pack of 300 for about 10.00 bucks. i Would suggest Avery as you can download a pre-maid template and put "Product X made/what ever by person X" for labeling. I belive egg cartoons cost .25 cents but you maybe able to get a discount on large #'s
No, they are required to be "at refrigeration temperatures." Keep them on ice with a thermometer inside the cooler to demonstrate that they are at the proper level of refrigeration.
No, they are required to be "at refrigeration temperatures." Keep them on ice with a thermometer inside the cooler to demonstrate that they are at the proper level of refrigeration.

Sorry, I guess I should have clarified a little better.
Were some of the eggs out on display to show that you have eggs? I sell at a market, and the eggs for sale are in a cooler with cold packs. To show the customers that I have eggs, I got a wicker basket and lined it with straw. Then I tucked in a few feathers from my hens, and got a dozen ceramic eggs (half are white, other half terra cotta) and put them on the straw.when folks think they are real, but that's another story...

We have lables made up ahead of time (DH does those for me) and I stick them on as I run out the door (I mostly make bread and it's still warm from the oven when I get to the market).

Our market does not allow custard pies, but those have milk in them. Perhaps the inspector saw the consistancy and thought it was a cusard type pie?

I won't touch on any rudeness, if your sister is sensitive she may have taken things wrong. And since you say her answers were getting shorter, the inspector could have thought she was being uncooperative. It could just be a misunderstanding on both sides.
I would have to agree. Even on this forum I've experienced people thinking I was rude when the post was merely informative. Maybe youthful immaturity in this case makes everything a little more dramatic. I didn't find the expected changes to be anything but standard good sense, except keeping the eggs in refrigeration....although, it's a buyers market and most folks buying eggs expect them to be refrigerated. They've been conditioned to believe that this is healthy.

Meringue is raw egg whites, BTW, if it hasn't been stated before. Best to just comply with the regs if you want to make a little money.

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