My SLW changed color!


6 Years
Nov 7, 2013
Buckeye, AZ
My SLW was all black & white when we got her last April.

She went through a soft moult, and now half her feathers are cream colored with brown lace!

Is this normal? It's definitely weird!!
My SLW was all black & white when we got her last April.

She went through a soft moult, and now half her feathers are cream colored with brown lace!

Is this normal? It's definitely weird!!
So this bird is about 6mths old? Because the bottom photo looks to be a cockeral resulting from a gold cross bred with a silver. However I can't see the photo well enough to tell if those saddle feathers are coming in pointy or not. (I should add that I'm on my crappy cell
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Is the top picture the before or after? It's worded like it should be the before, but that is the only picture where I can see what might be color washing so I'm not sure if I'm "reading" the pictures right.
She is about 15 months, and is definitely a "she" - she lays nice uniform 48-52 gram medium brown eggs 5-6 days per week. The top picture is when we first got her - she was about 10 months old at that time, already laying. The brown isn't showing up in the bottom picture as much as it shows on her! Imagine that every feather that is not clearly white with black lace is cream with brown lace. Even her collar/shawl (sorry, newbie who doesn't know all the terminology) are now more brown than black! So now she has four distinct colors, if that makes sense.

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