My Story, Not A Professional Writer Here But I Just Want To Share This And Brighten Someone’s Day.


Apr 29, 2020
I don’t want any opinions on what I messed up or got wrong, all I want is for all of y’all to enjoy reading my story.

Intro: I have experienced a few crazy awesome experiences, and one of these includes raising our baby squirrel, Ricky. She is quite an incredible animal, and I would protect her with my all, she is my baby. After waking every few hours in the night and wee morning hours to try to get her to eat, and after the strenuous task of stimulating her hiney so she would pee and poop. Gross as it sounds I did it gladly because she was my baby. The day we found her and brought her in I didn’t think she would make it. The first few days and nights she wasn’t doing good but she soon turned a corner for the better. Now she is a fully grown squirrel, and I do believe she has become a mama of her own. She still comes every once in a while to receive her favorite food, cashews. I know we shouldn’t feed her, and if you’re an animal rehabilitater or a veterinarian, then please don’t get offended or aggravated at my methods. I googled and researched all I could. And of course there was the parental pacing the floor worrying about her. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Everybody needs a pet squirrel! Also I used only one mom in this story but me and my sister both raised our Ricky girl.

Chapter One: A Terrible Storm

It was sometime in August, and mom was worried. She had been very busy lately reinforcing the nest. Of course I couldn’t see her but she sounded busy. Then I realized why. The winds started around midnight, when the midnight noises were sounding their midnight calls. The winds started slow but soon they were roaring and howling in an angry torrent, the likes I’d never heard before! I was so scared I huddled close the mom and we waited. When the winds finally slowed a little, mom left. I never smelt her, felt her, or heard her again. With out any warning my nest was torn apart and I fell. It was raining and the winds was still blowing. I called out but mom never came. I was giving up hope. The winds had stopped except for a few gusts every now and then. I heard something approaching. It sounded huge! I was scared.

Chapter Two: A Giant Mama

As the huge something approached I prepared myself to die. I was mentally prepared to die. After all I was just a baby with no eyesight and no strength to defend myself. But as the something reached down and picked me up, it wasn’t claws or fangs digging into me. It was gentle hands and soft strokes. Total opposite of what I was expecting! I soon realized this was my new mama. She took me in and wrapped me in a soft cocoon. She woke me every few hours and fed me warm milk, it wasn’t my small mama’s milk though, and it upset my tummy. I don’t know what changed, soon she started feeding me better milk, and my tummy felt a whole lot better. My giant mama was a lot more noisier than my small mama. She talked all the time. She would sing softly to me and rub my fur and play with my tail. Sometimes I just wanted to say leave me alone. But I know she didn’t mean to keep me from my sleep, she was just excited to be my new mom. My giant mom. Soon my eyes opened and with my eyes opened I was awakened to a different world. A world of four walls and a dark box. A world of little fun unless mom was there. As I grew bigger mom moved me out of the four walls and into a wire rabbit cage. She would still give me milk but she was also giving me nuts and corn.

Chapter Three: Growing Up Hurts Sometimes

As I continued my growing period in the cage. I encountered different animals of very strange varieties. There was cats who wanted me for breakfast. Dogs who wanted me for lunch. Raccoons, and owls who wanted me for dinner. And a lot of other creatures to numerous to mention. The cats and dogs though were the most frequent. Mom would show me off to other giants. They was not as sweet as mom and they would often times squeeze me too hard or make loud scary noises. This would send me into a panic and I would often times poop and pee on them. I stayed in the cage till I was weaned. Then winter set in and I was still in the cage. Mom didn’t want to let me go. She was worried I would get eaten by cats, dogs, or owls, and she had a right to be worried. The world is full of terrible, terrifying dangers, that are terribly, terrifying for squirrels of any breed, or age. Winter didn’t last forever, and as winter slowly gave way into spring, mom slowly gave way into letting me have my freedom.

Chapter Four: Confessions Of A Poor Inexperienced Squirrel

Mom finally decided she was gonna let me go live and be free on my own. She picked a day that was beautiful. The sky was blue, there was a slight breeze, and it just felt right. Mom opened the cage door and motioned me out. I climbed on her shoulder and she walked me over to a tree. I jumped onto the tree and started climbing up, not looking back at mom’s tearful goodbye. Up, up, up. Higher, higher higher, until I got to the top. Then the gentle breeze turned into a hurricane of motion. The tree swayed back and forth and I clung on for dear life. The whole time I was having flashbacks of the night I was a baby and the wind blew me out of my nest. Would mama take me back in? Or would it indeed be my last day upon the earth? I stayed in that spot for days not daring to move. I was too frightened. The big world was scary and I was just a young squirrel with no experience whatsoever. Soon though I had to move for water. And food. I was really hungry and super thirsty. Slowly I inched down the tree. To my wire cage. Except this time mama wasn’t there. So I went in my cage and started moving all my “belongings” to my new home. The tree. I packed as much food and bedding as I could in my little hollow, which was my first home, in the tree that swayed so much in the wind. Time passed and I was used to the wind blowing in the trees. And I was starting to get more and more adventurous. I’d jump from limb to limb, and run back and forth, up and down, trees, and antagonize the dogs! I would run down then run up, and I would flick my tail back and forth. Mama would try to call me down, but I was having way to much fun! There was no way she was going to put me back into that cage. I guess she sensed I had moved on because one day I looked down and the cage at the base of my tree was gone. A few more days later mom put a wooden box on the tree and put a glass jar full of corn in the box, I of course came down to investigate and found it to be a very good thing. I was so happy to alive and free.

Chapter Five: Friend or Foe

Around this time it was just me. But soon the wooden box with corn attracted other visitors like raccoons and birds. But the best thing it attracted was Daniel! Daniel was a very nice boy squirrel. He would eat corn with me, and teach me things. Like, how to cross the road, and how to build nests in the tree tops instead of in tree hollows. He was very nice and I enjoyed his company immensely. One day I decided to visit mama. I had been visiting her quite a lot, but it had been a while so I was gonna go visit her and sneak a cashew or two, because those were things you did not find in the wild. So I had a great visit with mama she was so happy to see me. I let her ooh and ahh over me for a little while then I decided I was ready to go. I hopped off of her shoulder and took off in the direction of the woods, but just as I was getting close a cat jumped in front of me. I tried to go around her but she grabbed me. I started squealing. I could feel her fangs digging into my belly. The end surely was near. But thankfully mama heard my cries. And nobody messes with a giant mama! She started screaming and throwing things at the cat and she dropped me and took off running. I ran up the tree. Mama was crying and calling my name, she was worried that I had been hurt. I finally came down after my heart calmed down it’s frantic beating. Mom made sure I was ok, gave me a cashew, and then sent me on my way. Ever since then I have watched for cats, because you never know where they might be hiding. What I lacked in knowledge I made up for in experience. It wasn’t much longer that I was a fully equipped squirrel with all the knowledge of the wild.

Chapter Six: The Language Of Love

I had been seeing Daniel for quite a while. He was I guess you could say my first love. Then one day he started chasing me. I had no idea what I had done that made him chase me so. Days turned into a week. I wearing out and so was he. When I finally stopped to catch my breath I asked him why he was chasing me. To which he replied, “Because I love you, it’s the way squirrels express their affection.” There was better ways in my book to express affection than chasing the life out of somebody, I thought of mom and her gentle voice and soft touches. But because he apparently loved me and I was sure I loved him I went along with the hair brained love rituals of the squirrel kind. Finally he stopped chasing and I stopped running. I made my way back home. There I found mama frantic with worry because I had been gone so long. She oohed and ahhed over me for a while fed me some corn and cashews. Then apparently was satisfied with my health, for she left. Things rapidly began to change. One day I crossed the road before Daniel and was waiting for him to cross, but before he could cross a car hit him. My beloved Daniel was killed. My heart was broken. Mama was more relived to know that I was fine. I mourned Daniel for about a week, then a strange urge took over. I started building nests, first in one tree but I didn’t like it’s location. So I built another, but it still wasn’t right. Then I found the perfect spot and built the perfect nest. Then came the food hoarding. In every spare nest I hoarded away corn, nuts, anything edible that I could find. I couldn’t stop this urge to build and stockpile things. It was like I was a different squirrel. I could tell mama was worried about me, because I would take the food she offered and run away with it.

Chapter Seven: A Mother’s Love

As I said before I was a total different squirrel. I had the most strangest urges and desires. Then one day I did not come out of my nest. I was tired and achy feeling. It lasted that way for a while. Unbeknownst to me I was becoming a mama! I finally felt at ease after hours of labor. I delivered three beautiful baby squirrels all perfectly shaped and formed. Now I know what a mother’s love truly is. I now know why mom worried so much about me. Even though I never really knew my squirrel mama, I know my giant mama loved me with that same selfless love. As I watch my babies grow I am proud of the squirrel I have become. And I owe it all to my giant mama, if not for her then I would not have survived the day the storm blew me out of my nest. I am raising my babies to the best of my abilities, and I am showering them with the utmost motherly care I can.

I might’ve had some typos!😂 But I hope you all enjoy!
I don’t want any opinions on what I messed up or got wrong, all I want is for all of y’all to enjoy reading my story.

Intro: I have experienced a few crazy awesome experiences, and one of these includes raising our baby squirrel, Ricky. She is quite an incredible animal, and I would protect her with my all, she is my baby. After waking every few hours in the night and wee morning hours to try to get her to eat, and after the strenuous task of stimulating her hiney so she would pee and poop. Gross as it sounds I did it gladly because she was my baby. The day we found her and brought her in I didn’t think she would make it. The first few days and nights she wasn’t doing good but she soon turned a corner for the better. Now she is a fully grown squirrel, and I do believe she has become a mama of her own. She still comes every once in a while to receive her favorite food, cashews. I know we shouldn’t feed her, and if you’re an animal rehabilitater or a veterinarian, then please don’t get offended or aggravated at my methods. I googled and researched all I could. And of course there was the parental pacing the floor worrying about her. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Everybody needs a pet squirrel! Also I used only one mom in this story but me and my sister both raised our Ricky girl.

Chapter One: A Terrible Storm

It was sometime in August, and mom was worried. She had been very busy lately reinforcing the nest. Of course I couldn’t see her but she sounded busy. Then I realized why. The winds started around midnight, when the midnight noises were sounding their midnight calls. The winds started slow but soon they were roaring and howling in an angry torrent, the likes I’d never heard before! I was so scared I huddled close the mom and we waited. When the winds finally slowed a little, mom left. I never smelt her, felt her, or heard her again. With out any warning my nest was torn apart and I fell. It was raining and the winds was still blowing. I called out but mom never came. I was giving up hope. The winds had stopped except for a few gusts every now and then. I heard something approaching. It sounded huge! I was scared.

Chapter Two: A Giant Mama

As the huge something approached I prepared myself to die. I was mentally prepared to die. After all I was just a baby with no eyesight and no strength to defend myself. But as the something reached down and picked me up, it wasn’t claws or fangs digging into me. It was gentle hands and soft strokes. Total opposite of what I was expecting! I soon realized this was my new mama. She took me in and wrapped me in a soft cocoon. She woke me every few hours and fed me warm milk, it wasn’t my small mama’s milk though, and it upset my tummy. I don’t know what changed, soon she started feeding me better milk, and my tummy felt a whole lot better. My giant mama was a lot more noisier than my small mama. She talked all the time. She would sing softly to me and rub my fur and play with my tail. Sometimes I just wanted to say leave me alone. But I know she didn’t mean to keep me from my sleep, she was just excited to be my new mom. My giant mom. Soon my eyes opened and with my eyes opened I was awakened to a different world. A world of four walls and a dark box. A world of little fun unless mom was there. As I grew bigger mom moved me out of the four walls and into a wire rabbit cage. She would still give me milk but she was also giving me nuts and corn.

Chapter Three: Growing Up Hurts Sometimes

As I continued my growing period in the cage. I encountered different animals of very strange varieties. There was cats who wanted me for breakfast. Dogs who wanted me for lunch. Raccoons, and owls who wanted me for dinner. And a lot of other creatures to numerous to mention. The cats and dogs though were the most frequent. Mom would show me off to other giants. They was not as sweet as mom and they would often times squeeze me too hard or make loud scary noises. This would send me into a panic and I would often times poop and pee on them. I stayed in the cage till I was weaned. Then winter set in and I was still in the cage. Mom didn’t want to let me go. She was worried I would get eaten by cats, dogs, or owls, and she had a right to be worried. The world is full of terrible, terrifying dangers, that are terribly, terrifying for squirrels of any breed, or age. Winter didn’t last forever, and as winter slowly gave way into spring, mom slowly gave way into letting me have my freedom.

Chapter Four: Confessions Of A Poor Inexperienced Squirrel

Mom finally decided she was gonna let me go live and be free on my own. She picked a day that was beautiful. The sky was blue, there was a slight breeze, and it just felt right. Mom opened the cage door and motioned me out. I climbed on her shoulder and she walked me over to a tree. I jumped onto the tree and started climbing up, not looking back at mom’s tearful goodbye. Up, up, up. Higher, higher higher, until I got to the top. Then the gentle breeze turned into a hurricane of motion. The tree swayed back and forth and I clung on for dear life. The whole time I was having flashbacks of the night I was a baby and the wind blew me out of my nest. Would mama take me back in? Or would it indeed be my last day upon the earth? I stayed in that spot for days not daring to move. I was too frightened. The big world was scary and I was just a young squirrel with no experience whatsoever. Soon though I had to move for water. And food. I was really hungry and super thirsty. Slowly I inched down the tree. To my wire cage. Except this time mama wasn’t there. So I went in my cage and started moving all my “belongings” to my new home. The tree. I packed as much food and bedding as I could in my little hollow, which was my first home, in the tree that swayed so much in the wind. Time passed and I was used to the wind blowing in the trees. And I was starting to get more and more adventurous. I’d jump from limb to limb, and run back and forth, up and down, trees, and antagonize the dogs! I would run down then run up, and I would flick my tail back and forth. Mama would try to call me down, but I was having way to much fun! There was no way she was going to put me back into that cage. I guess she sensed I had moved on because one day I looked down and the cage at the base of my tree was gone. A few more days later mom put a wooden box on the tree and put a glass jar full of corn in the box, I of course came down to investigate and found it to be a very good thing. I was so happy to alive and free.

Chapter Five: Friend or Foe

Around this time it was just me. But soon the wooden box with corn attracted other visitors like raccoons and birds. But the best thing it attracted was Daniel! Daniel was a very nice boy squirrel. He would eat corn with me, and teach me things. Like, how to cross the road, and how to build nests in the tree tops instead of in tree hollows. He was very nice and I enjoyed his company immensely. One day I decided to visit mama. I had been visiting her quite a lot, but it had been a while so I was gonna go visit her and sneak a cashew or two, because those were things you did not find in the wild. So I had a great visit with mama she was so happy to see me. I let her ooh and ahh over me for a little while then I decided I was ready to go. I hopped off of her shoulder and took off in the direction of the woods, but just as I was getting close a cat jumped in front of me. I tried to go around her but she grabbed me. I started squealing. I could feel her fangs digging into my belly. The end surely was near. But thankfully mama heard my cries. And nobody messes with a giant mama! She started screaming and throwing things at the cat and she dropped me and took off running. I ran up the tree. Mama was crying and calling my name, she was worried that I had been hurt. I finally came down after my heart calmed down it’s frantic beating. Mom made sure I was ok, gave me a cashew, and then sent me on my way. Ever since then I have watched for cats, because you never know where they might be hiding. What I lacked in knowledge I made up for in experience. It wasn’t much longer that I was a fully equipped squirrel with all the knowledge of the wild.

Chapter Six: The Language Of Love

I had been seeing Daniel for quite a while. He was I guess you could say my first love. Then one day he started chasing me. I had no idea what I had done that made him chase me so. Days turned into a week. I wearing out and so was he. When I finally stopped to catch my breath I asked him why he was chasing me. To which he replied, “Because I love you, it’s the way squirrels express their affection.” There was better ways in my book to express affection than chasing the life out of somebody, I thought of mom and her gentle voice and soft touches. But because he apparently loved me and I was sure I loved him I went along with the hair brained love rituals of the squirrel kind. Finally he stopped chasing and I stopped running. I made my way back home. There I found mama frantic with worry because I had been gone so long. She oohed and ahhed over me for a while fed me some corn and cashews. Then apparently was satisfied with my health, for she left. Things rapidly began to change. One day I crossed the road before Daniel and was waiting for him to cross, but before he could cross a car hit him. My beloved Daniel was killed. My heart was broken. Mama was more relived to know that I was fine. I mourned Daniel for about a week, then a strange urge took over. I started building nests, first in one tree but I didn’t like it’s location. So I built another, but it still wasn’t right. Then I found the perfect spot and built the perfect nest. Then came the food hoarding. In every spare nest I hoarded away corn, nuts, anything edible that I could find. I couldn’t stop this urge to build and stockpile things. It was like I was a different squirrel. I could tell mama was worried about me, because I would take the food she offered and run away with it.

Chapter Seven: A Mother’s Love

As I said before I was a total different squirrel. I had the most strangest urges and desires. Then one day I did not come out of my nest. I was tired and achy feeling. It lasted that way for a while. Unbeknownst to me I was becoming a mama! I finally felt at ease after hours of labor. I delivered three beautiful baby squirrels all perfectly shaped and formed. Now I know what a mother’s love truly is. I now know why mom worried so much about me. Even though I never really knew my squirrel mama, I know my giant mama loved me with that same selfless love. As I watch my babies grow I am proud of the squirrel I have become. And I owe it all to my giant mama, if not for her then I would not have survived the day the storm blew me out of my nest. I am raising my babies to the best of my abilities, and I am showering them with the utmost motherly care I can.

I might’ve had some typos!😂 But I hope you all enjoy!
You REALLY took time with this! Great job!
You REALLY took time with this! Great job!
Thank you! I get really nervous when it comes to the stuff I write. I wouldn’t want to become a professional, but I would like to just keep writing and making folks happy. I have also written a story about the Canadian geese that me and my sister hatched out, both this story and that one have a similar story line with the one mother and just celebrating the bond between human and animal. I’m also in the work of writing one about our deceased rooster and his lady love, also I’m tossing around the idea of writing one about our miracle cat. So hopefully I can get those finished and uploaded here so y’all can enjoy my stories.
Thank you! I get really nervous when it comes to the stuff I write. I wouldn’t want to become a professional, but I would like to just keep writing and making folks happy. I have also written a story about the Canadian geese that me and my sister hatched out, both this story and that one have a similar story line with the one mother and just celebrating the bond between human and animal. I’m also in the work of writing one about our deceased rooster and his lady love, also I’m tossing around the idea of writing one about our miracle cat. So hopefully I can get those finished and uploaded here so y’all can enjoy my stories.
I cannot wait! I’ll be rooting for you!

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