My stress is through the roof

No worries, Peeps, you'll all do fine! I just gave mine plain water, too. It flat didn't occur to me to give them anything different, and I didn't think to ask, lol! But I did know they might not figure it out on their own, so ....

Not knowing what else to do, I just picked up each fuzzy little body, aimed its little beak at the water dish like a ballistic missile, and tapped its little beak into the water. Then I sat it on its warbly little feet and grabbed another one; repeat. After I had dunked about 50 birds (I only had 19), I figured I had probably baptized most of em at least once, and most of them by that time were both eating and drinking so I was happy. They all survived and so did I, yay!

Then they all got Pasty Butt and suddenly my survival seemed a lot less assured....
Oh no! I hope they were ok that's a lot of butt washing. Yeah the 5 yr old is going to tap the water container to teach them where to drink till I get home.
@Mybackyardpeepers Indeed it was! Felt like trial by fire, learning what it was and how to deal with it may have been the most important thing I learned on this site. Lucky for me I don't like handling raw meat so always have gloves in the kitchen, lol (ooh, I almost said "always have gloves on hand," groan!)
@Mybackyardpeepers Indeed it was! Felt like trial by fire, learning what it was and how to deal with it may have been the most important thing I learned on this site. Lucky for me I don't like handling raw meat so always have gloves in the kitchen, lol (ooh, I almost said "always have gloves on hand," groan!)
They have arrived!!!! All ready to eat, wow they have been going at the food.

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