My uncle's girlfriend's anklebiter.

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If you don't have the money, go to the courthouse.

My husband and I were sensitive to the fact that money was short for people, including us and we didn't want to be seen as gift grubbers. We went to the historic courthouse in Oregon City with it's rich history and were married there.

A lunch at his mother's house and a small cake from Safeway. It was special, small and inexpensive....and more importantly it focused on the marriage instead of what we could get out of it.

Marriage is between 2 people. If you feel you have to impress, maybe you should wait til you can afford it without charging an entrance fee by way of gifts.
I am attending a wedding in a couple weeks - the couple sent out requests for attendees to "help fund the honeymoon in lieu of gifts".
I agree that if you don't want kids at your wedding, that is totally your choice and should be honored. Like some others said, if my kids were not invited, I wouldn't be offended but I also wouldn't attend. I also agree that if you are so concerned about the cost of the catering and the gifts not covering it, you should probably cut down on those costs so that you aren't expecting people to spend as much on you.

As far as calling kids names as a term of endearment, that only flies when you actually find them endearing. When you are using those terms because you don't like them and don't want them around, you have crossed the line into just plain rude.
That's rude.

Gifts should be given as a gift, not as a bill.

Some people already have household items and this couple sounds like they would rather have the cash to go on a great honeymoon instead of a gift they might or might not be able to use.

O.P. The saying "You can choose your friends but not your family" comes to mind. If you really want your uncle to be there you will probably have to accept him bringing his S.O. The kids thing I agree its your day so its your decision.
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I thought this thread was about dogs too?


A wedding is all about family not all about the gifts.

Edit: If the gift value amount per catering expense ratio is important to you then a financial/credit screening may also apply to your guest list.

Just remember what comes around goes around..... In a few years IF you have children and are excluded from a "special event" simply because of your current family status do not be disappointed.

Couldn't have said it more perfectly!it is about family and friends otherwise who would be there? I still can't belive this thread? I've never heard of inviting someone to something with out their children? Maybe I'm dumb or just Idahoan? I'd never go to anything if I couldn't bring my kids... just my op!
and it is your wedding!
I didn't have catering at mine just mints and small snacks. People talked about my wedding for years and said it was the most beautiful they had seen in years. I had a double wedding with my sister. I do not think it takes a lot of money to make a special day. Again just my OP.
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