Mystery lump


6 Years
Aug 5, 2015
My hen has had this lump above her eye for almost a month now. I initially thought she was pecked or scratched and I started applying triple antibiotic, which has always worked in always in the past for us. it didn’t improve so I started using Terramycin instead. Still no changes.

What do you think it is? I have checked her all over and cannot find anything wrong. The other eye is fine, inside her mouth is fine. It seems she’s just picking at food and not eating as much as usual, except for treats like cantaloupe or corn on the cob. Then she goes crazy for it.

Her eye is typically not watery like in this photo, but she does keep it closed most of the day.

Well, it’s not letting me upload the photo. I’m gojng to try again below.
A swollen and watery eye can be a sign of MG, a respiratory disease that can cause conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and sinus infection. MG also may cause lethargy or being sluggish. How often were you using the Terramycin? I would clean any drainage with saline and then use the ointment at least twice a day. You also may want to treat her with Tylan or tylosin in the water for 5 days, and you can get it here:
A swollen and watery eye can be a sign of MG, a respiratory disease that can cause conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and sinus infection. MG also may cause lethargy or being sluggish. How often were you using the Terramycin? I would clean any drainage with saline and then use the ointment at least twice a day. You also may want to treat her with Tylan or tylosin in the water for 5 days, and you can get it here:
There is just a little bump above the eye. It never waters except in this photo, because I was trying to get her in a position to get the shot. Since I have a closed flock and one year ago one was tested for MG and was negative, is mg still possible?

I have been flushing and using the ointment twice daily.
If you had MG a year ago, and even one bird remained, all birds should be considered positive for MG. It generally comes about with symptoms during a period of stress, such as a molt, very cold, or very hot weather. It is good that you have a closed flock. MG also can pass through hatching eggs. It is very common in backyard flocks. Here are 2 good articles to read: Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
If you had MG a year ago, and even one bird remained, all birds should be considered positive for MG. It generally comes about with symptoms during a period of stress, such as a molt, very cold, or very hot weather. It is good that you have a closed flock. MG also can pass through hatching eggs. It is very common in backyard flocks. Here are 2 good articles to read: Recognizing and Preventing Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf
I had a negative test for MG, not one in my flock. I just read symptoms, and she has absolutely no Respitory symptoms at all. It’s just the bump, and it appears it is uncomfortable.
Oh sorry I misread your previous post, thinking you said positive. I have seen a chicken have a swollen eye and no other symptoms with MG. Hopefully your chicken just has something unrelated. I would open the eye and look for anything that might be irritating the eye, such as a speck of dirt, a feather, or as one person found causing a bad eye infection once, a seed. Flushing the eye with saline may be helpful.
I had a negative test for MG, not one in my flock. I just read symptoms, and she has absolutely no Respitory symptoms at all. It’s just the bump, and it appears it is uncomfortable.
I’ve been doing that, but I really don’t think it’s the eye itself. I know it’s hard to see in the photo, but there is a small bump above the eye. I assumed infection, and maybe encapsulated. It’s not at a good spot to cut it open and find out.
I’ve been doing that, but I really don’t think it’s the eye itself. I know it’s hard to see in the photo, but there is a small bump above the eye. I assumed infection, and maybe encapsulated. It’s not at a good spot to cut it open and find out.
I was at TSC again and they carry Tylan injectable and another one, i can’t remember the name, that is an oxytetracycline. I have a vet appointment for my girl for tomorrow. Hopefully this vet will be able to properly diagnose and treat her.

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