Naked Neck/Turken Thread

My only hen.

Classic hatchery Red Naked Neck. They are my second favorite color. Buff with black tail is number 1.
Kassaundra, I havent posted here for months, but wanted to see how Rudy was doing! So happy he is well. What are your goals for him?

I would like to breed more, but don't know yet how they will do w/ our winters. I have a small house w/ non friendly to chicken dogs, an inside chicken isn't doable for me and he (Rudy) isn't on board w/ that either, he hates confinement of any kind. I have been reading some one AI, b/c I figure that will be ness. in the near future. I am taking it one step at a time, seeing how hard he (and by extension others) will be to keep healthy through this winter then we'll see.
I would like to breed more, but don't know yet how they will do w/ our winters. I have a small house w/ non friendly to chicken dogs, an inside chicken isn't doable for me and he (Rudy) isn't on board w/ that either, he hates confinement of any kind. I have been reading some one AI, b/c I figure that will be ness. in the near future. I am taking it one step at a time, seeing how hard he (and by extension others) will be to keep healthy through this winter then we'll see.

You could always send him to dad. He has just the right room for him and Rudy would have lots of 'face time'. If you remember, dad gets free natural gas so there would be no worries about keeping that room plenty warm.

There's been a seismic change in the 'Battle of the Sexes' here. For quite a while, The NN hens were thumping my poor Buckeye boys relentlessly. All the fella's needed to do was be in the wrong place at the wrong time and that could be as close as one foot or 15 feet, depending if I had just thrown out some treats.

Now nature has thrown the gals a curve ball. The cockerels are nearing 5.5 months and despite weighing only around 5 pounds, they stand almost twice the height of the hens.....and these are good sized hens.

In any event, I had to separate them today because the boys had turned the tables on the gals and were showing their inept ardor to the point of being pretty serious P.I.A.s...

So long as the cockerels will live in harmony, I'm keeping them in a large pen together, adjoining the NN hens. For several reasons, I have been drawn to two, perhaps three cockerels to use as breeding birds but I want to keep all of them 'til next year when they have matured somewhat.

I have never been one to post pics of any of my animals, (not wanting any praise or criticism) even when seriously requested. I might make an exception over this next week (I'm off, 4 days in a row)...and post pics of my favorite NN hens, Buckeye cockerels and the dynamic-duo, Frick and Frack, our demonic guard-dogs-to-be.

They look crazy, with their ears having had the most severe bunt-crop possible and still have any ear leather left but they really are very affectionate and I'm having a hard time making up my mind to have them altered, although I know It will have to be. I don't wan't litters AT ALL!!!!!
These two have been quite enough 'puppy' love for a lifetime, as far as I'm concerned!!!

I live in sw idaho. I added a turkin to my flock this spring, but now that it's getting cold, I'm getting concerned about her. I have a multi-breed flock with 3 bantums, and 4 full-sized birds. Their coop is 4 ft high, 4 ft wide & about 3 ft long. My access is one wall. We have a vent on one wall & a chicken-sized door on the other going to an enclosed run. The coop isn't insulated & i don't have a heater. They have free range outside, but i lock them in at night. Its gotten down to the teens at night before, and our typical day temperatures run 20s to 40s. Is there anything i should do to help her? I've never got frost-bit combs, but mine don't have big combs. I've not had issues with the cochin, polish, wydonott, or black star (black sex-link). We have gotten up to 8" of snow at a time. I try to provide them a road to the water, which is in a heated water bowl next to the house. I also usually but straw in the coop & make a little windbreak outside the cage, since our winds are vicious.

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