Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Absolutely! Plus, anyone who knows the breed would be able to see the feathers had been plucked, I suspect. Besides, what good are false wins, even if you can get by with it? Just get better chickens!!!!!!

Plucking is done a week before and the chickens get dried meal worms and scratch grains during the plucking
Treat your NN the same as you should all your flock. Feed them well, supply fresh clean water at least twice daily and you will find the NN is like as hardy as any other bird you have and more hardy than most.

All chickens need fresh air but none of them need serious drafts and snow or rain blowing in on them and their bedding.

Under really harsh conditions, I would bet the NN would be the last bird standing but I hope you can make their lives very comfortable.

I hear that if you make them a scarf that it can be helpful
okay, but isn't it just part of cleaning the birds?

If the "rule" that everyone is "playing" by is X amount of feathers is acceptable and X amount of feathers in unacceptable, to then remove the extra feathers prior to the show to falsely represent what your chicken is, to me is untruthful and cheating. To wash your chicken and make it as clean and pretty as possible before the event is just cleaning you aren't adding or taking away from what your chicken is, you aren't changing any disqualifying problems of your chicken.
my barred naked neck is molting
Do the Turken/Naked Necks have certain names to distinguish their head feathers? I've got a white one with a mohawk forming and i have a black/brown one with the slicked back head feathers going and then my barred roo has the slicked back head feathers and a huge comb coming in. Was just curious if the different styles had names? Also same question for the necks. I believe that part is considered "Bow Ties". My white one has a full blown bow tie all the way across the neck. The black/brown one has two chutes coming off the sides of her neck and then the roo has just a handful of tiny feathers jutting off the bottom of his neck facing down.

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No official names that I know of, the ones w/ the top knots, hats, mohawks, puffs, etc... are just mixed w/ a crested bird. (several of us on this thread really love a NN w/ a top knot)
All three of these birds were hatched from the same group. I believe this barred pair was the parent/parents of at least the one rooster. The black hen was solid black all the way up to 6 weeks then suddenly brown feathers started appearing from her neck. Now i have no idea what she will look like in a few weeks. The little white girl is turning more and more brilliant white as each day passes. The barred turken was just speckled when i first got him and now he is becoming very barred. Here's the chicks at 2 weeks old when i got them.

I'm guessing that there was a Silkie in the woodpile somewhere. Notice the white one has feathered legs.

Just because they were all hatched as mates doesn't always mean they are actual siblings.
I believe the barred turken will be the dominant male and the white silkie/turken cross will be the dominant hen. The way that pair has been acting that's my best hunch. The black turken female and the black sizzle roo have both been fairly relaxed thus far and the other chicks are 1-4 weeks younger and smaller breeds so i doubt any of them will be asserting any dominance on a large pair of older turken.

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