Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I believe the barred turken will be the dominant male and the white silkie/turken cross will be the dominant hen. The way that pair has been acting that's my best hunch. The black turken female and the black sizzle roo have both been fairly relaxed thus far and the other chicks are 1-4 weeks younger and smaller breeds so i doubt any of them will be asserting any dominance on a large pair of older turken.

With regard to dominance...could be yes and certainly could be no. When I was very young, my grand pap drug in a bantam cock that couldn't have weighed more than 1.5 pounds but it didn't take him long to almost kill my big 9 pound NN cock bird!

I did find my opportunity and rung that little b@#$%^d's neck and threw him over to the hogs. At least there, it was of some use. Shortly thereafter, my cock bird again reigned supreme!

I believe the barred turken will be the dominant male and the white silkie/turken cross will be the dominant hen. The way that pair has been acting that's my best hunch. The black turken female and the black sizzle roo have both been fairly relaxed thus far and the other chicks are 1-4 weeks younger and smaller breeds so i doubt any of them will be asserting any dominance on a large pair of older turken.
I enjoyed your pictures. The little white show girl is the best.

Hello everyone out there in NNlandia. My Melanotic rooster is annoying as he doesn't know how to shut-up !!!! Of the few beautiful NN roosters that I have had, he is the only one who I hate. But at least he is not aggressive toward me. LUCKY HIM ! But I have a few eggs under broodies so we see what happens there.
the white could be a boy.

brown or white showing up on otherwise black bird is a normal result of black or barred crossed over a colored bird. If female they tend to get a fair amount of brown 'lacing'.
So far out of my group the black/brown turken is starting to get a small comb and waddles and the cheeks are turning red exactly like the barred turken. At this point the white turken is the only bird out of 11 that i am confident is a female.
Need Help with my Necked Necks, Please.

I have about 10 NN hens that are 1 1/2 years old. A few months ago, several started losing feathers and I assumed they were starting to molt but pretty quickly a few more started loosing feathers and now all but two of them are literally naked and none of them are growing in new feathers. I have checked them all for visible mites and lice and I see nothing. I also have alot of other breeds of hens and none of them are loosing feathers (except a few that have truly molted and grown back all their feathers already). I feel like if the NN's had mites or lice, then all of the other breeds would too, right? The NN's are eating, drinking, and laying eggs just like all the other hens are so......what the heck is going on with no feathers??????? A couple of the NN's do have a few sparse brittle looking quills in some of their bare spots but most just have bare skin. We keep a very close eye on their bare skin because they tend to get cuts/abrasions such as the one in the first picture on the hen's right side of her abdomen. I assume because they don't have feathers to protect their skin. We put antibiotic ointment on the cuts and they heal up fine. The one in the picture was one of the worst cuts and it has since healed up completely.

These are my first NN's so I don't know if this is something common with NN's or if I have something really weird going on with just my NN's. I'm attaching three pictures of one of the NN's. My husband is holding her upright by her legs which we wouldn't normally do but I wanted ya'll to be able to see her body really good. If anyone has any idea on what is happening to my NN's I would greatly appreciate your help.

I just got my first 2 NN! I hope I chose good ones - any comments would be appreciated. Looks like Pickles might have some silkie in the mix?! What are the colors called for Pickles & Munk?

Pickles -


Chipmunk -

I've read but never seen that animals, other than humans can suffer alopecia. I'm also thinking it could be a reaction to some sort of Rx or changes in feed. All breeds are not created the same nor seem to be succeptible to the same maladies, even in the same flock.

Sorry I'm no more help.
Animals do suffer from alopecia. Most common are cats and dogs with allergies (often flea allergies) and will have alopecia. We had a horse once that had a reaction to his own sweat and his mane would fall out. Maybe the chickens are allergic to something in their feed. Our chickens react to a certain type of hay we have. It makes them sneeze.
I just got my first 2 NN! I hope I chose good ones - any comments would be appreciated. Looks like Pickles might have some silkie in the mix?! What are the colors called for Pickles & Munk?

Congrats on your new cuties!

I would guess Pickles is either crossed with Light Brahma or it's in the mix. The color is called Columbian, although this same pattern is called Light in some breeds like brahmas.

Munk is basically a common color out of black crossed with any colored chicken. The closest name could be Birchen or Brown Red.
Need Help with my Necked Necks, Please.

No that's not normal, not even for NN. At least part of the damage on the back is due to excessive roo breeding, possibly combined with feather picking after the roo damage exposed the feathers.

It's a bit odd the feathers on lower breast and legs are reduced down to quills.. makes me wonder if they have the brittle kind of feathers found in Production Red lines. It seems a lot of hatcheries have their NN "mixed for color" and some of them seem to show red sex link or production red in their mix. Production reds are known for having more brittle feathers, prone to damage in full sunlight or normal breeding activities.

They should molt out normal.. broken feathers don't get replaced until they either are pulled out or molted out. So if a whole bunch of feathers are getting worn or broken down, the birds can end up looking like that until they finally molt.

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