Naked Neck/Turken Thread

 any hatching so far?

Hatch was delayed on refrigerated eggs. Although I can't be sure as I pulled a few fresh off the counter and put in to fill the tray. I know for sure though that 8 of the 11 that hatched were from the cabinet.

The other three are possible refrigerated eggs but I forgot to mark them if they were from the counter. So I don't know.

I'm going to hazard a guess and say that they were counter eggs though. I don't think I'll try refrigerated eggs again. Although I may try the washed eggs.

Only 1 of the green eggs hatched and it was from the Crested crossbreed hen and yes it was Naked Neck because if daddy. I'm not seek g much crest but I think it will probably develop as it ages. I've had them before that showed later.
Hatch was delayed on refrigerated eggs. Although I can't be sure as I pulled a few fresh off the counter and put in to fill the tray. I know for sure though that 8 of the 11 that hatched were from the cabinet.

The other three are possible refrigerated eggs but I forgot to mark them if they were from the counter. So I don't know.

I'm going to hazard a guess and say that they were counter eggs though. I don't think I'll try refrigerated eggs again. Although I may try the washed eggs.

Only 1 of the green eggs hatched and it was from the Crested crossbreed hen and yes it was Naked Neck because if daddy. I'm not seek g much crest but I think it will probably develop as it ages. I've had them before that showed later.


crested is lovely. I am waiting to see the pics.
Look what I got last week!



5 naked ladies from Cackle. There are 2 NN and 3 Nn. Now to decide on names for them.
I swear the majority of my 15 NNs are boys. I'm keeping two and the breeder has also offered to take up to two back for herself. The only one I'm convinced is a girl is Phyllis. I might have one or 2 more girls in the batch. Naturally, I didn't get pics of all the chicks tonight but eh, whatever lol. They're 4 weeks old now.

I'm undecided on gender on this one. Probably a boy.


My #1 keeper boy.

I mean...c'mon...

I have two white chicks, both boys. One has some black in his tail feathers.

Thinking this gold one is going to be a boy too..

Boy. He's so cute though...

The next 6 pics are the same chick. Also thinking boy right now, but wishing for girl as it has some really interesting light colors mixed in with all the buff/red/gold

Sorry, a Brabanter came to visit and I couldn't help but to share...

I really can't decide...

I swear the majority of my 15 NNs are boys. I'm keeping two and the breeder has also offered to take up to two back for herself. The only one I'm convinced is a girl is Phyllis. I might have one or 2 more girls in the batch. Naturally, I didn't get pics of all the chicks tonight but eh, whatever lol. They're 4 weeks old now.

I'm undecided on gender on this one. Probably a boy.

this one might be a girl.


Thinking this gold one is going to be a boy too..

I am not sure about this one

The next 6 pics are the same chick. Also thinking boy right now, but wishing for girl as it has some really interesting light colors mixed in with all the buff/red/gold

I would say 99% girl!

keep us posted.
My NN chicks keep surprising me. I just noticed yesterday they don't have straight combs. It looks like most of them have pea or rose combs. I've never had anything other than straight combs before so I don't know how to tell the difference on chicks and I can't find good pics on the internet, but very interesting. I finally got close enough to their father to get pictures, and I think he has a rose comb, I'm not sure though. My photos aren't clear enough to see well because he's quite wild but I'll put them up later. He's also much darker than I thought which might explain why some of the chicks are black. Is there an obvious difference between pea and rose combs on chicks? I can try and get pics tomorrow.

ETA: I just did a quick search and the father might be a pure bred GLW, so I guess they must be rose combed. Based on the way my landlord keeps his animals and the fact that all most people know about chickens here is that they're brown or white, I always assumed he'd just be some backyard mix.

Here's the photos

Sorry for the poor quality, He's completely free range and wild. The photos don't do him justice, he's quite beautiful, I can't wait to see how the chicks turn out.
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