Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I have two NNT hens. I love them. I have them in with a white Silkies roo to get Show Girls. I have the first clutch set in my incubator. Can't wait for them to hatch. How do plumage colors work? The hens are buff and red.
Today has been so disappointing....

Our hatch that should have hatched Monday has been quiet since yesterday so we opened up one of the eggs to check and eventually eggtopsied all of them and none made it. It appears as though most of the ones left in for 'lockdown' were good until that point. I don't think they were shrink wrapped, 2 absorbed their yolks and the rest quit right before that point. I tried a dry hatch, humidity stayed around 30-40% until day 18 and then was around 60-70%. Temp stayed pretty stable, I was around most of the time to keep an eye on it. We heard chirps and tapping up until yesterday. I have no idea what went wrong. We had 2 thermometers and an hydrometer, not including what came with the unit. Some were shipped eggs, some were from home.

Thinking this hatch was going so well and really wanting more NN, I ordered hatching eggs last week and I was told they would ship out Monday. Now they aren't shipping out until tomorrow. I understand they can't guarantee how their birds are going to lay but they could have contacted me. Now I'm concerned the eggs won't get here until next week with the weekend and then have to sit a day...

With my first hatch a failure and being nervous about the eggs coming in not only being shipped but 'older' for the next hatch I'm completely stressing out. I started collecting a few of our own eggs again to add in.

To top it off, our TSC who NEVER gets NN in, got them this week. Because we had chicks in the incubator and more on the way, I didn't buy any even though one black one had a clean neck and I really, really, really wanted it...

To top it off, our TSC who NEVER gets NN in, got them this week. Because we had chicks in the incubator and more on the way, I didn't buy any even though one black one had a clean neck and I really, really, really wanted it...

It's been my learning experience " ANY black NN one's worth getting ! " here in Western WA they are FEW & FAR in between.
White cockerel
I might have plenty of pullets if any one is interested, this year looks like I've been blessed with more pullets that cockerels again



As far as the American Standard of Perfection is concerned, there is no turken, only Naked Necks.

I breed Naked Neck Green-Eggers here.

The term Turken actually bugs me. Sounds like something (and probably is) some poor nitwit came up with way back when, when they actually thought NNs were a turkey/chicken cross.

I have a NN hen that's supposed to be a green egger. She's almost a year old now and still not laying..gah.

I still want eggs from you one of these days, by the way. :p

White cockerel
I might have plenty of pullets if any one is interested, this year looks like I've been blessed with more pullets that cockerels again




Beautiful birds indeed!
Oh gosh, extra pullets..wonder how DH would feel about a trip down south for chickens..bahaha. ..After he threw a fit today about driving 15 miles down the road to pick up a few chicks (of the feathered variety, that is :lol:)..
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I ordered a dozen nn hatching eggs today! Mottled, blue and splash! I believe they ship out Monday. They are from the link I posted the other day! I'm so excited even though I'm a little worried about my first hatch, due to hatch Monday or tuesday.

I forgot to mention after you posted this, I've had that link up for days contemplating them myself. Let us know how these turn out for you? :D
I forgot to mention after you posted this, I've had that link up for days contemplating them myself. Let us know how these turn out for you? :D

I will! Don't hold a bad hatch on my part against them since my first hatch was a complete fail. It wasn't the eggs since they developed (from another source and my own) and since I'm not sure what went wrong I'm worried about trying again because I don't know what to fix...

I was disappointed they didn't send my eggs Monday but she did explain why and I understand. If they had nn chicks I would have skipped the eggs.

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