Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Look what I found today

I love your roosters! This blue tails are gorgeous! I wonder how is that color called.

I have a question about that space where he is. Is tgat a breeding pen or coop or what? I noticed similar in your previous pics and liked it. Can you give us a better pic or two?

Thank you! I've no idea what the color is called. Maybe @Kev can help with that, as I'm really bad with the color description terminology.

This particular pen was just a temporary holding pen and was still under construction at the time, measuring about 3-4 feet wide and 6 feet deep. (Everything on my property is pretty much always under construction.) A week after I took this photo I moved Copper outside and he selected my layer flock as his, serving as their only rooster since I had to cull the original Barred Rock rooster that had turned people aggressive. The pen in this photo is one of the ones in my cabin, which holds two large pens and two small pens along with a large dog kennel that I used for broody, injured, and ready-to-cull birds to keep them isolated. Since this photo was taken I cut out the rest of the pop door, added a nesting box (actually a covered cat litter box with pine bedding inside), and turned it into my temporary bantam pen. It was also used by my broody White Rock while she raised her clutch of chicks. The white walls are simply 1/8 inch thick wall board like what dry erase boards are made out of. The pen wall are 2/x4 construction covered with 1/4 inch mesh hardware cloth. I don't really have any recent photos. Sorry. But I can supply a photo of one of the larger pens that might show a bit more of the construction.


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