Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Merry Christmas!
It’s been a while since I posted here… the chicks we ordered from Cackle and Meyers did well. We were able to integrate the various age groups no problem, patience and getting the individual older birds used to the new birds worked out fine via supervised visitation time. Everything was going great the Egyptians were looking stunning. The Naked Necks and Marans lovely. But then a raccoon unlatched a door into the big coop and got himself locked in and killed half the rebuilt flock… we lost all the Egyptians! So I reordered them, and added several new breeds to see if we like them. Luckily 2 of the Naked Necks made it. We killed the raccoon.. managed to save one hen he had bit a wing clean off. We have made the coop hard as heck to open now... and will actually be building all new housing with some different design ideas.





I really like how these girls are developing and hope to use them in a breeding project… the golden hen is not really Na/Na she is still growing back feathers from molt… and will have a bow tie, whereas her hatch date sister above is all done, so I figure both carry only one Na gene and Guinevere is a slow feather.

I had to order the Egyptians and Saipans as straight runs so hopefully there will be a man amongst them. I also will be checking the feed stores once chicks come in. I might try to find some rose comb Rhode Islands.

I really love the Naked Necks and will look for chicks local and maybe hatching eggs…

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