Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Hi everyone, you have some pretty birds shown here!
I was active here probably 5 years ago and wasn't visiting BYC since then at all and I remembered this thread and I am so glad it' s still active!
Anyways, I wanted to show of my two naked necks.
I bought this one in 2020. She usually has more neck feathers but she was raising chicks and they plucked her neck feathers during her molt.

This next one is her daughter that hatched in 2021. Her father is an Australorp from my profile.

I'm sorry for longer post, have a great day!
I got my turkens from my daughter-in-laws mother. She lives in MT. Her roosters were the NN. They were very large. The chicks I hatched hens are not bantams but not huge. (not my avatar, although she is not real big, and not bantam also.
Mine are not too big as well.
I'm hoping to hatch a blue australorp rooster this year from my splash hens which are huge and black rooster so I can start my blue splash turken project. They will hopefully inherit some size from these splash australorps.

I tried to hatch the rooster last year, but I got these two girls that I have nothing to complain about!

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