Naming your chicks......

When I was trying to name my chicks, my friends and I came up with some great pun names.

Great women of history puns
Margaret Hatcher
Amelia Egghart
Hilary Rodham Chicken
Whoopi Goldbird
Susan B. Eggthony
Florence Nightenlayer
Harriet Cluckman
Mary Todd Linc-hen (Lincoln)

I ended up on "old lady" names:
Maude, Ethel, Mildred, Agnes, Mabel

I love chicken names!

Here are ours:

Violet (my 4 year old named her after his favorite color)
Tallulah, and...
Bok Bok (lovingly named by my 1 year old - he's a man of few words
So far of my new 12 chicks two have names, Carrie is one of my barnevelders, named after my Dutch great grandmother, and Betsy, one of my black austrolorps, named after a girl I went to school with years ago who had black hair.
I loved the great women of history pun names!

I'm not that creative:
SLW's: Penelope

SS's: Suzy

I have 10 BO's and 5 Lt. Brahma's coming. I think the Buffs will be hard to name because I won't be able to tell them apart.

I'm refraining from naming the two roos I have until I decide who is going to be the King and who is going to be dinner.
alright when we got ouors i never got a choice in naming them so don't blame me for the brutal names even though they crack me up!

the supposedly boy is Massala for the indian chicken dish chicken tika massala. the supposedly girl is Madiera short for chicken madiera.
but go with dolly!!!

Rte.66_chicks you crack me up!!!!!!!!!lol.
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Chicken Madiera!! I LOVE IT!!!

(Both as a name, and as dinner!!)

Chicken Marsala would be a good one too!!

lol hey thanx!!! we love those chicken dishes!
I've seen Henrietta, and I've seen Penelope so far in this thread, but not together. My 2 New Hampshire Reds (6 1/2 weeks old) are Henrietta and Penelope - in the collective "Henny-Penny"
I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to tell them apart, but now find that that isn't a problem. I like old fashioned names too, because chickens just look so old fashioned! The 2 EEs are Clara and Dorothea. And the 2 Silver Spangled Hamburgs, roo and pullet, are named after characters from a folk tale from my DH's hometown in Germany: Jan and Griet.
Only named one hen. That was Sneaky Pete, the runt of the flock who had a knack for sneaking up on her flock-mates and stealing whatever tasty morsels they found. She also enjoyed hopping up on my lap while I sat outside on a summers evening enjoying a glass of wine during their evening free-range. I think she liked being able to look down on her larger hen-housemates but maybe I'm reading too much into her little chicken-brain thoughts.

The avatar to the left is a picture of my late, great rooster, Buster the Chick Magnet. He was named when some fellow members on an organic gardening forum decided he needed a name and ran a contest.

Rule one: Never name something you might eat.


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