National Coming Out Day

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Now im really hoping people will respect the 'If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all' thing.
Otherwise i sincerly hope this thread gets locked immediatly, as i would rather be ignorant of peoples views than no longer feel welcome on this forum..
Aren't we ALL God's children? Didn't he, in fact, make Adam and Steve, and Eve and Sarah, and You and Me? Anyway, if you don't support this thread, stay off! This is a supportive thread for those who might really need support right now, and have a NATIONAL day! there have been a recent rash of teen suicides, linked to bullying, often about Gay issues. the national coming out day it designed to provide at least ONE day in a year, when there is a mass of ready, open arms, to embrace someone on the SCARIEST day of their lives.
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I fully believe this statement does not have a hidden line that states "except LGBT".

I also fail to understand why I can get married legally without a church or anything to do with religion, but my gay friends can't do the same. Someday we'll finally reach the goal set out with this statement, over 200 years ago.
I agree, but they are still our brethren and I'm not to judge. I don't support gay, I support the person. IF the people I support just so happen to be's really a non issue. God still loves them as do I because I try to follow His example in all things. I do not in any way support this day. I believe "coming out" should not be a national event...kind of like a heterosexual announcing their preference seems well...stupid. I do not believe in encouraging sexual preferences to be an issue, political or otherwise. So you're gay...I'm white
frow.gif just seems kind of silly to announce things that seem obvious.
That is why I don't "support" this day.
why does everything have to come back to the bible or religion?...

what happened to to each their own?...
I think it's sad that there even HAS to be special days to recognize or encourage "coming out." It's ridiculous that people are judged good or bad based on whom they're attracted to in a mate. May you be received warmly if/when you decide to come out...
First, the bible was perhaps gods word, but it was translated and written down by man, and has been translated lord knows how many times since the original version. There are many things in the bible that were we to take literally and live by in everyday life, would make our world practically unlivable. As a woman, I am more than happy that the important lessons of the bible about respect, humbleness, acceptance, and peace rather than those sections which speak of killing for vengeance or judgment of others are the parts that are emphasized with greater frequency in the modern world,.

If it is a man and a man or a woman and a woman, as long as they love and respect each other and find happiness, more power to them in my book.

Also, until I am perfect I hope I am able to attempt to accept and tolerate others regardless of my personal beliefs.
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