Neck rubbing?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
My young gosling, Alex(1 week old), has been rubbing his neck against itself and with his bill, as though it itches and the feathers there seem to be thinning a little from all of the rubbing. Should this be cause of concern? I put my finger to his neck and he rubbed and rubbed and rubbed..
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Geese bathe themselves by rubbing their heads and necks against themselves.

Also those new feathers are probably prickly and itchy (guessing). Of COURSE post pics so we can admire Alex though
It was too hard to get a picture of just his neck because he was so busy inspecting the camera! XD
I think the feathers may've been a little damp from drinking earlier, too.

I blog about him here:
of photos and a few videos, too. ^^
Sweet gosling! They do rub their heads, necks and beaks on their body to preen themselves. It's totally normal. Enjoy your baby!

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