Need a hug, take a hug.

Massive hugs James. :hugs
Hugs from me too..I was also in the gifted class..but after that was over...I’m much older than you, and the class only went through 5th grade..they put you back in with everyone else...after being held...”up Above “. As it was a tough can be cruel...adults can be cruel..I’ve even seen it on here, I’m sad to say...but, this thread is is uplifting and, take the support and make the most of it!! You are what you make yourself to be...each day you are one day closer to your dreams!! Go for it!
I've been stuck in a rut for a while now. Easter of last year my bestfriend for the last 1/3 of my life died. His name was Timmy. Timmy had an intravenous drug problem for the last 8 years that just got worse as time went. I could talk for a couple of hours about all the stuff his family and I went through to help him, but I'll just leave that at we did everything we could. We all knew how it would eventually play out including him. Drug addiction is such a horrible struggle. That's not what's been plaguing my mind though.

The night before Timmy was found dead he took his girlfriend to the hospital for an OD. They had both been using the same product. Yet he decided to go home and take a fatal dose. Timmy, although an idiot for his choices, he was not stupid. By this time he was pretty experienced and educated on his drug of choice. What I can't get out of my head is that I think Timmy committed suicide. He had been in a bad depression for a long time and I can't get past how life could get so bad he'd want to end it himself. He wasn't a first time user making a mistake, he was an experienced addict.

We got some text messages just a few hours before he was found. All of them sounded horrible and depressing. Nothing was stated about suicide, but there was a feeling of severe lack of self worth.

This guy means so much to me. He'd been there for me in my lowest of lows and my highest of highs. He saved my life and talked me off the edge when my daughters mother took her from me. He saved my relationship with my wife and I when we where still dating. I was going through a rough time and was being self destructive, but what he said just cut through my bs and hit home. "You know I'll back you up no matter what, but I'm going to be disappointed in you if you don't go home." His opinion meant more to me than anything. He was everything to me a brother should be.

It breaks my heart to think he didn't feel like he had a better way out. It's all that's been playing through my head the last few days. It's quite exhausting. I miss him dearly.

I love you Timmy.
Oh Chris that just breaks my heart! That is quite exhausting and a very heavy load to carry around with you. Thank you for sharing such a painful part of your life. He sounds like he had a beautiful soul and loved you very much. Sometimes those demons get the best of a person. Please know that I consider you a friend and am always here to lend an ear (or fingers since I am typing) You know what I mean. :hugs
Oh Chris that just breaks my heart! That is quite exhausting and a very heavy load to carry around with you. Thank you for sharing such a painful part of your life. He sounds like he had a beautiful soul and loved you very much. Sometimes those demons get the best of a person. Please know that I consider you a friend and am always here to lend an ear (or fingers since I am typing) You know what I mean. :hugs
Hi Misty and thank you very much. :hugs
I'd like to say everyday gets a bit easier but it's not. At least yet. I've been actively trying to process it all, and that's whats got me dwelling on things. I chose not to face it for a long time, but I'm tired of being sad every time I think of him. We've shared so many good memories together, it would be nice to be able to smile when I think of him. So I'm trudging through it all and trying to make some sense of it.
Guys... tonight I feel defeated. I feel like I'm drowning, but I'm not drowning in water, I'm drowning in dust. We had the thickest duststorm rip through this afternoon, in parts causing it to be pitch black. It was again raining at the same time. It hurts my heart and I think, we are never going to get through this drought. There are people doing it way tougher then us, I know that. My heart hurts for them aswell. But tonight it hurts the most for my family. Alot of people say to me "oh but your lucky, your husbands an employee at the end of the day he still gets paid". Yes, he is an employee. But for how much longer will he be an employee? If it doesn't rain, there'll soon be no work. If there's no work he will no longer have a job. We will not have a house to live in if there is no longer a job for him. We litterally loose everything. Sometimes life just sucks.

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