Need a hug, take a hug.

Most of these test type things are meaningless though. And I’m sure if it was work you were interested in, you would be high conscientious of it!! But I doubt you were that interested in the test questions. ;)

You can’t limit yourself or worry based off some test results!!

We all know you’re super smart and truly care about your work and the quality of it when it’s something you’re interested in!! I mean, just look at the work you do for this site and your goldfish!

It’s good to be able to take input and have some of that info or whatever but you can’t take things like this too seriously.

And besides, look at how high you scored on intellect!! :p ;)

Try to look at the positives. :)
But I do tend to be unconscientious in real life, like with my fish tank maintenance and stuff like that. The big 5 personality traits are also valid constructs, which have predictive ability. The questions were qualitative in nature, meaning that they ask about qualities that manifest on your life. Also, if I wasn't interested in knowing, I wouldn't have filled out that questionnaire, LOL.
I take care of patients on HEMODIALYSIS, they get treatments 3 to 4 hrs per treatment, 3x's per week. Either Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, We have SUNDAYS OFF and so DO our patients. These people are depressed, hate coming to treatment, and have diets that are difficult to follow. I have been doing this type of nursing for 7yrs. Sometimes it's good, sometimes BAD. I like to feel I make a difference in their lives. I tell them about my chickens, GIVE EGGS, show pictures and videos of the girls, and try to have a smile on my face when the come and go. I'm not famous, not rich, but feel I touch my patients lives. That makes me RICH!

Good nurses are angels in real life! Thank you for what you do. Take care of yourself, too! :hugs
But I do tend to be unconscientious in real life, like with my fish tank maintenance and stuff like that. The big 5 personality traits are also valid constructs, which have predictive ability. The questions were qualitative in nature, meaning that they ask about qualities that manifest on your life. Also, if I wasn't interested in knowing, I wouldn't have filled out that questionnaire, LOL.

Yes but depression and lack of sleep and stuff can make you uninterested in things you normally enjoy too. That doesn’t mean you have something wrong with you or that it’s a permanent personality trait. And I’m sure those tests do have some merit but I’m just saying not to take them too seriously or to solely rely on them is all.
Labels can be limiting or liberating, depending on how you view them and what you decide to do with them. I was 44 when I (finally!) got a diagnosis of bipolar. I don't call it a disorder, by the way. I've never been so relieved in my life, although I broke down in tears at the time. I'd known since the age of 11 that that there was something ... different... about me. Something that was making my life more difficult than it should be. I'd sought help, only to be dismissed. "Don't be ridiculous," my mother told me. My mother, who actually worked in a mental health facility at the time. And, "don't worry about it, everyone feels suicidal at your age, you'll get over it," said my father. And later, "I don't ever want to hear you talk about suicide again," said my sister, when I was 18. So I struggled on. Bipolar! This was wonderful and at the same time, terrible news! There really WAS something "wrong" with me, but ... it had a NAME. And if it had a name, then we knew what we were dealing with! Somebody, somewhere, somehow, could actually HELP me. And it took a while, but I did get help. It wasn't easy. I lost my job. I lost my home. Heck, I lost my mind. Eventually I was medicated, I was hospitalized ( more than once), but over time I became stable. I found peace. I was able to hold a job again and support myself. I'm married. I'm fulfilled and happy and blessed. I don't have the crazies any more. I don't have the "runaways" or the terrors. Life is good. I've learned to embrace who and what I am, even to cherish all that. It's all good. There is no "wrong" about me. Just different, unique. And everybody is. Embrace your uniqueness, James. Make it work for you. Be at peace with who you are. You can't change who you are. You can only change how you feel about it, and what you do about it.
I've still been pretty depressed, especially since I lost someone who I was close to.
Anyway, a few months ago I filled out the MMPI for adults, 567 questions, and it's supposed to be administered by a psychologist, but I found the scoring online and took it myself, and it's the adult version, so it may not be fully accurate, but here is the description of what I'm supposed to be like, from my results:

"retarded thought processes", LOL. It does seem largely accurate, though.
I'm still @twendt .....I've grown to accept it, I'm going thru a difficult time... not sure I want to be a Wendt anymore. 33 yrs of belittling and verbal abuse, I've learned to stand up for myself, so not all bad. Let's just say I don't take his crap anymore, and he KNOWS IT!! That's why I got chickens. Because I WANTED THEM, no permission needed.

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