Need advice about a broody girl


8 Years
Jul 3, 2011
Our year-old SL Wyandotte has been broody for 4 or 5 weeks now. We have no roosters so there won't be any chicks. It is a real problem because she chases the other hens out of the nest boxes and breaks their eggs if they lay them elsewhere nearby. I don't want to do any psychological damage or anything but there is no point o her sitting on the eggs after all. Is there any way to safely end this so she can get out and I can get my eggs again?

I also am looking for an answer other than the stew pot.
Mine is a GLW and is broody for the second time this summer. I am at a loss since she is now drawing blood on DH.
I have tried taking her out as often as I am home and locking her out of the coop. I moved her from one coop to another ( the entire flocks moved). I try giving special treats to her..... she snubs food and drink while sitting.
This weekend I am changing the nest boxes COMPLETELY around. Right now they are inside the coop and by Sunday they will be external. I am also making them much smaller so no one can get in with her and be beaten up trying to lay.

Do I get her a new home? Give her eggs to hatch? Give her chicks? Make soup?

Success rate for wire cage method?
She puffs up like a Tom turkey when I get near her and the whole time she is off the nest. Kind of sad really.
Hopefully someone will answer soon. I'm at a loss. I can't change the configuration of our coop. I read somewhere about dunking her in cold water up to her neck. Could that possibly work? Sounds silly.

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