Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

here are those pictures of the peachick I was talking about:
Here are some pictures of my first ever sinus infection. Chick weight - 800 grams. Gave 0.16ml of 10% Baytril IM.

Have my first URI in a peachick. Here it is at 9 am:

Four hours later:

Here he is 8 hours later. Note that I have not wiped his face.

28 hours later - still some swelling that is hard to see in pictures and some clear drainage from nostril. Up five grams, which is not enough, but it's better than a loss.

Chick was 100% after just two shots, but gave two more per the recommendation of a vet.

Thank you K that is amazing.
Shes quacking now! Eating some. Definetly acting better and not depressed looking. Im hoping for the best
Pebbles is quacking away again and not tail bobbing so much so thats an improvement..shes still coughing alot tho, still some congestion noted but not as noticeable . So baby steps. But its nice to hear her quackn again. She was way too quiet the last few days
Pebbles is quacking away again and not tail bobbing so much so thats an improvement..shes still coughing alot tho, still some congestion noted but not as noticeable . So baby steps. But its nice to hear her quackn again. She was way too quiet the last few days
Hopefully by end of treatment she'll be completely well. Don't for get to give probiotic after the antibiotic.
Now Ive noticed one of my other females Miss Queen has something wrong with her eye. Kinda looks like a bubble on bottom of her eyelid. Is this something to worry about?
ill try, she moves away so much. But sometime soon today ill get the pic up. Its almost like the bottom of her eyelid is popping out, dont know if its a bubble or what.
You could get some one to help and try washing her eye out with some saline commercial or make your own using warm water and salt mixed real well then rinse out her eye.She may just have irritated it some how but would be good idea to look at it closely and clean it up. 1.5 tea to 1 cup of warm water shouldn't be too strong.

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