Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

I thought gape worm but fecal test was negative, but then again they said its not always correct.
gape worm will not show up on fecal since they are found in the throat. only way to be sure is to take a q tip open her mouth and swab her throat. the gape worms will come out on the q tip they actually have 2 heads and I believe are red. I lost a rooster to gape worms even though I treated him I used the wrong worm er, Valbazen or Safe Guard will kill all parasites . Since she hasn't responded to any of the antibiotics you've tried why not worm her with one of these wormers and see if it's gape worm.You will need help if you decide to swab her throat. If she is eating and still losing weight it maybe parasites. Did you decide it isn't fungal? I know you said the vet thought maybe using a fungal med next.
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gape worm will not show up on fecal since they are found in the throat. only way to be sure is to take a q tip open her mouth and swab her throat. the gape worms will come out on the q tip they actually have 2 heads and I believe are red. I lost a rooster to gape worms even though I treated him I used the wrong worm er, Valbazen or Safe Guard will kill all parasites . Since she hasn't responded to nay of the antibiotic you've tried why not worm her with one of these wormers and see if it's gape worm.You will need help if you decide to swab her throat. If she is eating and still losing weight it maybe parasites. Did you decide it isn't fungal? I know you said the vet thought maybe using a fungal med next.

Quick question on gapeworm, since shes been coughing for 3-4 months it possible its gapeworm? I read about it and thought it was something that would happen fast! But if it can take time for the worms to move up in trachea and cause these symptoms then maybe i should worm her. I have been scared to use wormer during this time while shes sick, but Im running outta options
Quick question on gapeworm, since shes been coughing for 3-4 months it possible its gapeworm? I read about it and thought it was something that would happen fast! But if it can take time for the worms to move up in trachea and cause these symptoms then maybe i should worm her. I have been scared to use wormer during this time while shes sick, but Im running outta options
Since you have done the research then you probably know more than me about it, with my rooster I didn't even know anything was wrong until one morning I didn't hear him crow and my other was, then his face became pale like within a week so I used Epernix Pour on on him after reading it would kill gape worms, but it doesn't so by the time I got the safe guard he was too anemic for it to help. Honestly I just don't know with your duck, maybe you can email this vet that prescribed the antibiotic and be honest with him about your financial situation and tell him all you have done then ask him what he thinks about the gape worms and also about the fungal meds. They have ways to research we don't.Since you've already used him surely he'd give advise.
My pekin died in 2 days of coughing and congestion, bronchitus and pneumoonia blood work needed to solve and medicate,The stress will affect other organs.
Ok so today Pebbles is being very different that its scary. Shes not coughing... shes very quiet and not quacking and shes laying around more then ever. So it seems like her coughing is associated with quacking, and moving around. If shes not quacking,then no cough. I am so confused. wish i had money to take her for a 2nd opinion
Ok so today Pebbles is being very different that its scary. Shes not coughing... shes very quiet and not quacking and shes laying around more then ever. So it seems like her coughing is associated with quacking, and moving around. If shes not quacking,then no cough. I am so confused. wish i had money to take her for a 2nd opinion
Is she still in the house? that maybe on reason she isn't moving around so much and quacking. How about other things like eating drinking and pooping all okay?
Is she still in the house? that maybe on reason she isn't moving around so much and quacking. How about other things like eating drinking and pooping all okay?

She is in the house along with her buddy rosie. They been inside a week today. They have a large bedroom to roam around and occasionally we let them run thru the hall. So being cooped up isnt the reason for her behavior. She has been very active all week besides today. She has been eating normally besides today she doesnt want anything but her treats(lettuce and peas) she wont touch her food. Her droppings have been slightly runny , and slightly solid. Everyone looks different. Today it looks like more white. I dont know what that means.
The last few days they have both been quacking up a storm and driving me nuts Lol so today seems a bit scary with all this quietness. She still breaths with her tail bobbing. Shes been laying eggs. Didnt this morning tho. She missed anothrr day last wk too. No open mouth breathing...but she has wheezing today. Its weird cuz her wheezing sound comes and goes. One day its there the next day its not.

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