Need help - bloody mass found in coop - pictures included


7 Years
Mar 4, 2016
Virginia, USA

Please help if you can - I found this in the coop today under the roosting bars with the poo - it is a bloody, fleshy looking mass

could it be coccidiosis? a shed piece of intestine? a tumor? something coughed up?

some birds look shabby - been treating with Fenbendazole for Gapeworm for three days (last day was Monday - Tuesday Nov 1 first day off the stuff again - two days ago)

we still have the feather mites and I attributed the shabby shape of some birds to that

worried it may be something else

the birds are Guinea Fowl

any ideas? Please let me know
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If it was chickens, I'd say it was probably a lash egg, but I don't know that much about guinea fowl
Take it to a veterinarian that deals with birds. If it is a lash egg, you might be dealing with an infection. You need to figure out which hen laid it, and if she has salpingitis. Look up lash egg or salpingitis on the tag line, and see if that lines up with your mass.
oh, I see

I am talking to two vets and think we will go with the second one - hard to find someone here who will look at poultry and actually work every day of the week (first doc did not call me back today and works only M/T/W)

hard to say which one did it, we have 13 hens

one has runny poo - could this be the one? since lash egg (I looked it up by now) is an infection

Thank you both so much for the swift replies!!

I am really new to this lash egg illness and I believe you - an infection deep in the body is not good

just to keep up hope, do you think there could be truth to this, too?

I have not read it all, just the beginning - they do seem to be down on the internet help (which I am *Not*!) and wanting to sell their book?

anyway, one of our hens, Pinchy, did have a respiratory infection - here are her x-rays - and , sadly, it may be her - we love her! I hope she can make it again! she is such a character

see white mass on her lung - also this is her and her buddy Blue at the vet's - they were real troopers! poor girl, she laid an egg at the vet's after the X-ray, too
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I wish I had a vet that would take chickens!
There may be some truth to that website, but I don't think all of it is right. There are some people on the internet that don't know what they're talking about, but there are also people that do. The link to the blog I gave you - she is an amazing resource, and I trust her info.
I don't know if a respiratory infection would cause a lash egg
There is a chance that her immune system was running low on defense, which could explain both problems. You will need to keep her isolated anyway, so just see if she is laying normally, consistently.
I hope you can cure all her issues!.
Thanks, Peepersmama!

Yeah, I think they may be confusing a lash egg with a soft or shell-less egg - those can happen and are no big deal, but I would think a puss egg or bloody mass or internal infection is a big deal.

Well - it turns out I called the second vet clinic just now since I had not heard from them and the vet has been calling in sick for a few days and so my note to call me is laying on her desk without anyone caring about it.

Poor Pinchy.

I don't know - I guess I'll try a few more vets - I keep getting affirmations that this-n-that clinic will see poultry and then they say who-told-you-that or they take only parrots and wild life !?! How strange is that? Why not help my bird? They literally asked: "do you own it?" and I guess since she is not wild life, they will not treat. Red tape in veterinary care - who knew?

aren't people in those professions supposed to care?

sorry, I am just very frustrated now.
Don't be sorry, I get it. I've heard of vets that tried to help chickens/poulty in general even though they had no official education about them! You're lucky you at least have vets that will see them close by you. I live 30 minutes from everywhere but kingsoopers, and not only is it tough to find a vet, it's tough getting dad to drive me in

Do what you can to keep her happy. Respiratory diseases are very hard to diagnose (I know from experience). Give her probiotics in her water, but don't spoil her with treats; that will just make her fat.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Especially if it goes so far as to need to "send her to heaven."

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