Need help finding DE for fly control

sorry, this is my local distributor, I dont see why he wouldnt ship anywhere in USA

page down to find food grade DE, and another natural pesticide that they carry, perma-guard. I bought it but havent tested it yet.
O, and he shipped THE DAY I sent the order. it came in 48 hrs.
I have yet to find a feed store that didn't have Food Grade DE for sale, you just have to ask. We pay $21 to $25 for a 50 pound bag but have been asked if we wanted the 25 pound or a 50 pound bag. We use it all the time and sprinkle it in our hens favorite dusting holes, or where the goats and Llama's like to roll so we have never checked the prices of the smaller bags.

If 50 pounds is too much for you, you can always try splitting a bag with family, friends, neighbors or other BYC folk. We have a small family farm with a self service egg stand next to the street and people have asked us for many things over the years, including DE. We started repackage it in quart and gallon ziplock bags and sell it in the egg stand. As expensive as it is to purchase in small quantities on-line it might be a lucrative little side business for someone to repackage and ship it?
When looking for DE, just ask your local feed store to order it for you. It is not hard to find around my area.. NOT Cheap either.
Not sure which states that Tractor Supply has stores in but here in WV I bought 40# today was $19.99. I don't know if their shipping is expensive but thought this may help.
Gotta keep this thread goin'. Just bought DE at a local feed store in Madison, FL. They have the white stuff and the gray "Red Earth". Tractor Supply usually has the "Red Earth" brand. So does it work for worms or not LOL. Has there been any studies ?
I get mine from TC or Agway. Home Depot carries it to. I use it everywhere and still have earth worms a plenty.
Gotta keep this thread goin'. Just bought DE at a local feed store in Madison, FL. They have the white stuff and the gray "Red Earth". Tractor Supply usually has the "Red Earth" brand. So does it work for worms or not LOL. Has there been any studies ?

It does not harm earth worms and all the studies I have read say their is no evidence that DE kills or removes intestinal worms or their eggs.
DE does however kill and remove body lice and mite when applied to the exterior of the bird, though it takes time and has to be reapplied every 10-14 days to remain effective. In my mind it is more a preventative then an effective killer if you have an infestation. For a heavy infestation there are two quick fixes I reach for: Permethrin or Ivomectin/Eprinex. Permethrins is said to be more natural but the birds don't like being wetted down and I usually end up spraying someone in the face when trying to treat 100-150 birds in one night. We also maintain fly parasites (they live in pooh & eat fly pupa so no new fly's hatch) in all our coops and barns and any over-spray of permethrins kills them, I believe it needs to be reapplied every 21 days to remain effective. Ivomectin is my top choice, less mess, no wet birds, it lasts 30 days or longer and it kills everything, including their intestinal parasites. It takes me twice as ling to treat the flock but I have to do it less often and the benefits are so much bigger, it is worth it to me!
Please do not use DE (even good grade). I use it for myself personally and breathing so much as a small amount in causes an awful cough and lingering irritation. Now imagine you're a chicken surrounded by it, walking on it, bathing in it, etc. It is microscopic fossilized sharp phytoplankton that irritates the lining of the respiratory tract and lungs. That is why it works for insects with scrapes them and dehydrates them to death (good for ant infestations). As for using it as a dewormed, yes, it can be used as a parasite cleanse when ingested in water. Please trust my personal experience on this. If you don't believe me, breathe a bit for yourself. There are alternatives. If you're looking for a better dewormed, apple cider vinegar is great.

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