Need help finding DE for fly control

I dust my coop, nest boxes and enclosed runs with de. I have allergies, have never had a problem with it. From my research, as soon as the DE touches moisture, whether water, mucus ect. It dissolves. I have probably eaten more of it than any of my 30 chickens. I did find a natural "soup" made with pumpkin seeds, garlic and a few other things. I will find it and chemicals whatsoever for my birds. Excellent holistic wormer.
Can DE be bought in England what is really good to keep flies away as I had no pets in my garden what so ever past 3 years, but a man at the bottom of my garden keeps large cages full of pigeons and one chicken I noticed! Anyway my garden is full of blue/ green bottles all summer they sit all over my garden flower in my flower beds on my grass in the air drive me crazy!! What can I do to stop them! I got bloody at good Friday Easter after seeing add on gumtree baby chick Peking bantams I picked up and have had them since they live in the house still with me in tere box free ranging outside as I watch them then I bring them back in but I am so worried to permanently put them out as I'm scared of the flies and other bugs they may contract from this crazy man crazy pigeons any advice also what is DE???
I use stink bait bags/fly catchers and use DE diatomaceous earth, make sure it is food grade. You should be able to buy it at any feed store or farm supply. I remember buying yearsd ago when i lived outside the Cotswolds in Swindon. :)
I bought a 44# bag of DE at the feed store, I asked if it was food grade and the guy said it was.
When I opened the bag, it was brown and not white. The bag says it's for livestock feed. Is this the right stuff or do I need to find the White?
I bought a 44# bag of DE at the feed store, I asked if it was food grade and the guy said it was.
When I opened the bag, it was brown and not white. The bag says it's for livestock feed. Is this the right stuff or do I need to find the White?
It may have clays in it, thus the brown color....ingredients should be on the label/bag.
DE kills any pest larvae in stored feeds, I believe the clays are applied as 'anti-caking' agents.
I have seen it at Tractor Supply in So. Cal and have also bought it on Amazon. I have read that some chicken experts say its a no-no to use in the coop or to feed it to the chickens. I want to use it as a wormer but now I am not so sure. Is it an effective wormer for chickens? the chemical wormers seem so harsh and I am always confused as to how to mix it. I don't have 600 chickens or 100 gallons to mix it into...
I am in AR, and tractor supply always has it. It is over where they keep the fly bags/ repellant is. Now in a large shaker, but they keep the 20# bags too. Its by red river or something like that. It is used in feeds to keep bugs out. It won't hurt your birds. As a wormer, I use melon seeds, roughage like that cleans the worms right out. Also use apple cider vinegar with mother...daily
The de at Home Depot is NOT food grade. For swimming pool careful!!! I used to work there.

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