Need help identifying this breed

I think it's a girl, based on the lacing. At least SLW cockerels don't have lacing on their backs, it's solid ground color with some black. The females can have laced feathers all the way up to the tip of their tail, with black underneath (on the tail). I say this as someone who has and has raised both sexes of SLWs. Usually by week 9 too, the boys have longer wattles. By 16 weeks they'd be much longer. Both sexes have brighter combs earlier than other breeds in my experience, so that doesn't help here. The lacing is what gives it away for me.

THAT BEING SAID, Wyandottes can also be henfeathered. If it is a boy, he's masquerading as a girl.
Well all Wyandottes have lacing, and younger wyandottes have way more lacing than adult wyandottes. A GLW at this age should be totally laced. OPs bird has a black/dark neck which points to a boy. Notice how when my baby GLW was a baby she had a lot of gold on her neck.
Well all Wyandottes have lacing, and younger wyandottes have way more lacing than adult wyandottes. A GLW at this age should be totally laced. OPs bird has a black/dark neck which points to a boy. Notice how when my baby GLW was a baby she had a lot of gold on her neck.View attachment 2501637

I think there's been a misunderstanding. I didn't say cockerels don't have lacing, they just don't have it on their backs or up their tails. Besides, I don't understand why people say they have dark necks; none of the Wyandotte cockerels I've raised have had dark necks. The first clue is always the solid coloring on their backs for me.

Also, there's some contention about the age. Hopefully the vet can clarify that as well (they usually do).

Edited because my post sounded rude to me when I read it again.
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I used to DNA test my parrot babies. It's as easy as posting an eligible feather to a local lab that offers DNA sexing services. A short time later you get a letter confirming the sex! No stress or fuss and no guessing :) I'd *highly* recommend it. I cannot remember the cost but I don't recall it being too prohibitive.

Thats awesome, thanks :D I've been trying to figure out ways to sex my doves and that just might be it, thanks!
OH, I think I see what everyone's saying about the dark necks. The back of the neck tends to have a break in the color on the's the one photo I found from around this age (guesstimating)

I wonder if the GLW cockerels have more lacing on their backs than the SLW's? Cause there still seems a bit much. The one boy I've had that didn't have a huge amount of ground color on his back was mostly black instead.

Here's a picture of their brood mate with one of my Silkies (they both belong to someone else now):

So I can totally see what you're saying JadeFarms. The ladies' might have stronger eyeliner at this age than the boys too...and OPs doesn't have it.

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