Need help identifying this breed

In a way.... though many differences.

1)The lacing is much less foggy and more pullet like. Audrey‘s is very blotchy.

2)The feathering is more filled out

3) Pink legs, Audrey has yellow.

4)Single comb, Audrey has rose.

5) Lack of shiny pointy saddles which are obvious on Audrey.
Agreed. And I lied. I'm not going to sleep. *evil laugh commences*
I am going to guess its a Roo! My rooster posed as a hen until the day he started crowing 🤣 but those shiny saddle feathers are a rooster giveaway, hens don't get pointy sadles! A picture from the top of Audrey would be great, so we can see the saddles better😊
personally, I wouldn't trust vets with chickens, as most of them are clueless unless they have a flock of their own. 💜 unless you see her laying an egg *In the nesting box* you can't be sure it's her egg, so keep an eye out for that! If he starts crowing, there's no doubt about it🥰

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