Need help with malpositioned pigeon chick!!

Yeah that would make sense! We are going to build something for it so it can become familiar with a space and feel comfortable. Maybe another pigeon will be needing rescued soon and can become its mate lol

As I sit here I am struck by the idea that there is a magical synchronicity that brought the wee blind pigeon to you. You are the best friend he could possibly have in a world that dealt him such a challenge. Any chance you can post a photo?:)
Hes doing great! All the parasites are gone :) hes eating really well and has started doing all the usual preening and stretching. We are pretty sure he is completely blind as he doesnt react to movement and keeps feeling out his surroundings with his beak. So he will probably be unrealeasable, however im hopeful he will get stronger and still be able to have a happy life as ive read some articles online about blind pigeons. We are going to phone up some vets tomorrow to see who will be able to have a look at him and have him properly checked out :)
Im sooo glad he's doin better! He is right where he needs to be.. with you! :hugs
As I sit here I am struck by the idea that there is a magical synchronicity that brought the wee blind pigeon to you. You are the best friend he could possibly have in a world that dealt him such a challenge. Any chance you can post a photo?:)
X100 :love

Love your avy btw! :love
Thats funny, me and my bf were having a good chat tonight about all of this. Its amazing he found his way to us :) we are so thankful and glad we got him and are able to help him out. I think our future is all pigeons lol. I have attached more photos :)


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Thats funny, me and my bf were having a good chat tonight about all of this. Its amazing he found his way to us :) we are so thankful and glad we got him and are able to help him out. I think our future is all pigeons lol. I have attached more photos :)
He looks more bright eyed and perky than before! You are doin GREAT with him! :love
Thats funny, me and my bf were having a good chat tonight about all of this. Its amazing he found his way to us :) we are so thankful and glad we got him and are able to help him out. I think our future is all pigeons lol. I have attached more photos :)
What a sweetie, and he is so young! Still looks too young to be eating all on his own. Even without the disability he would totally bond with you! Could you maybe make him your avatar?:)

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